coupons and deals

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agantuk said:
^ You just need the card and you will be able to reset it online immediately.
lol If it was me I would've done it immediately, but since it's my mother I'll have to wait till she's free. :)
I recently got a new debit card for my old account, On the debit card itself imint is printed in one corner, Can you please guide how to use this imint thing.. ? I've done shopping using my debit card couple of times but absolutely no idea abt how to cash imint points.... :)

JT_daniel said:
lol If it was me I would've done it immediately, but since it's my mother I'll have to wait till she's free. :)
guptavis said:
Wow good find. been trying to get these for over a week but everytime i try they are out of stock (even now).
Got them today, not bad considering I only ordered yesterday afternoon! But the box was all smashed up. But that's Bluedart's fault I think. :(

They're awesome mate, they look really cool. The felt material for the base might attract some dust, but the looks defintiely make up for that! Fully recommended, go for it.
JT_daniel said:
They're awesome mate, they look really cool. The felt material for the base might attract some dust, but the looks defintiely make up for that! Fully recommended, go for it.
Congrats for getting them! I really want them ever since i saw them about a week ago.
I bookmarked the link and check it 2-3 times daily, but they are always "sold out" (even checked just now).
I think either they are very popular to disappear as soon as they come or im too unlucky. The other things are always in stock, already ordered 3 shipments of stuff from them.
Just ordered stuff with combined MRP of Rs 4,148 for Rs 1,214. That's more than 70% discount.

It helped that prices were already discounted to a combined total of Rs 1814; used a 600 off coupon to get the stuff for only Rs 1214 :)
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