You Don't Have To Be Rich To Be a pc gamer

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There is a common misconception that you have to take out a second mortgage on your house if you want to get a computer that will run all of the latest and greatest games. I don't know who started the rumor that you need to spend $3000 to get a gaming computer. The truth is, if you are smart about it, you can easily afford to get a high-end gaming computer. Here are a few simple rules to follow to put a gaming computer within reach.

Rule 1. Never buy the newest technology.

I know we all want to be the guy or girl with the newest toy, but you will never be able to keep up with technology. That top-of-the-line graphics card that came out today will be old news in just a couple of months and a new one will be released that is "so much better". Guess what happens to the price of the new graphics card you just broke the bank on? It dropped by about 50%. If you would have just been patient you could have purchased it for a fraction of the cost.
Rule 2. You only have to keep up with the software.

Rule 2 closely correlates to Rule 1.

It usually takes software companies two years, give or take, to develop a new game. During this time there are new technology breakthroughs. If they went back and re-engineered the game every time a new processor or a new graphics card came out, the game would never be released. Another important factor is that they want the game to be available to the largest number of consumers. For this reason they do their best to make sure the game can be played on a wide variety of systems. Check out the system requirements for some of the more popular games. A 1.8GHz processor and a Direct X 9 compatible graphics card will run just about everything out there. Granted you might have to turn some of the settings down but it will run it.
Once you reach a certain point the added performance of the new technology is noticeable. For example, the Athlon 64 chip has been out for more than a year, yet there are very few applications that require a 64 bit processor. If you check out benchmarks on the new pci express graphics cards you will see that they are running games at 300+ frames per second. When you watch a movie it runs at roughly 60 frames per second. A game will still run relatively smoothly at 20 frames per second. Basically anything over 60 frames per second likely will not be perceived while playing the game. You will only see the difference in your benchmark programs.
Rule 3. Build Your Own Computer.

This is important for two reasons. First, you can be assured of better quality components when you pick everything out on your own. When you buy an off-the-shelf system, chances are you are getting a big name cpu and everything else is most likely generic. Do you know what motherboard, power supply, or type of ram you are getting? This of course, is my personal opinion, I'm not saying every manufacturer builds sub standard machines, but from experience I've had greater longevity from the computers I've built myself. I've also noticed that you will often get little system memory, unless you pay a great deal more for it. You will often get 256MB of ram with these base system. Windows XP will run, but likely with problems, on 256MB of ram. It seems to be the most stable with 512MB or more. Other areas they cut costs is by using integrated graphics chips. This saves them having to put in a graphics card, but you will pay the price for it when you try to play a game.
The second reason to build your own computer is that you can cut your costs by stealing parts from your old computer. You can save hundreds of dollars by reusing the drives, case, monitor, keyboard and mouse. Plus, you don't have to worry about calling a technician to install ram or a new graphics card because you'll already know how to do it.
How Much Can You Build A Computer For?

I just checked out some pricing and you can build a very nice midrange gaming computer for around $600-$700 using an amd athlon 64 3000+. If you can steal a dvd drive from your old computer and maybe the case, you can bring the cost down even more. You can build a high-end machine for under $1000. The internet is full of useful websites about how to build computers. Look around and you'll find all the information you need. There are several books published about the topic as well. If you follow these simple rules and do a little research you can enjoy all of the best computer games even if you are on a shoestring budge

If you check out benchmarks on the new pci express graphics cards you will see that they are running games at 300+ frames per second. When you watch a movie it runs at roughly 60 frames per second. A game will still run relatively smoothly at 20 frames per second. Basically anything over 60 frames per second likely will not be perceived while playing the game. You will only see the difference in your benchmark programs.

You will often get 256MB of ram with these base system. Windows XP will run, but likely with problems, on 256MB of ram. It seems to be the most stable with 512MB or more.

you can build a very nice midrange gaming computer for around $600-$700 using an amd athlon 64 3000+.


No offense mate, but this info is OLD OLD OLD :P

No game looks good @ 20fps :P min 30 at LEAST.
The article makes sense and is actually quite practicle...

One should always remember before building a decent gaming build...

1. The monitor size defines your gfx card purchase.(No point going in for the top of the line card with a 17" panel)

2. All good developers will make their games scalable(Read Valve,ID etc).

Apart from the ones which are not mentioned above.

Also i have seen that most gamers are not concerned about what hardware they have. I can pinpoint guys who have the latest and the greatest and they would have not even finished two games in an year.
Switch said:
The article makes sense and is actually quite practicle...

One should always remember before building a decent gaming build...

1. The monitor size defines your gfx card purchase.(No point going in for the top of the line card with a 17" panel)

2. All good developers will make their games scalable(Read Valve,ID etc).

Apart from the ones which are not mentioned above.

Also i have seen that most gamers are not concerned about what hardware they have. I can pinpoint guys who have the latest and the greatest and they would have not even finished two games in an year.

Thats true....expensive stuff does not a gamer make :)
yeha , i have a colleague who calls himself "1337" who went about investing his money in a monster PC to play crysis. he was 2~3 years senior , and the lucky bastid is in google now. Intelligent , yes, but not much common sense though.

bought a 8800GTX for 40 odd k AFTER the 8800 GT was launched

bought 4x 1GB 667 instead of 2x1GB 800, and then found out they werent supported due to his OS being 32 bit

bought an G5 despite everyone in our gamers forum advicing him to get the MX 518. He had actually agreed at first , but changed his mind at the shop after seeing all the lights on the G5 :rofl:

.....yes, after all this , I asked him to get a logitech Z2300 when he asked about speakers. NO point getting a MX 5021. A certain saying about pearls before swine comes to mind :P
greenhorn said:
yeha , i have a colleague who calls himself "1337" who went about investing his money in a monster PC to play crysis. he was 2~3 years senior , and the lucky bastid is in google now. Intelligent , yes, but not much common sense though.

bought a 8800GTX for 40 odd k AFTER the 8800 GT was launched

bought 4x 1GB 667 instead of 2x1GB 800, and then found out they werent supported due to his OS being 32 bit

bought an G5 despite everyone in our gamers forum advicing him to get the MX 518. He had actually agreed at first , but changed his mind at the shop after seeing all the lights on the G5 :rofl:

.....yes, after all this , I asked him to get a logitech Z2300 when he asked about speakers. NO point getting a MX 5021. A certain saying about pearls before swine comes to mind :P

Well we don't have to look far... One of our staff members is a self proclaimed hard core gamer... I wont name who but most of you will be able to guess whom am i talking about... I am sure he would not have finished three games since Jan 2007...
Well thats simply because when we have the time i.e skool/college... we dont have the funds to buy the components we want!...coz our parents will be like...why the hell u need a gfx card??!! play games...arent u too old for that?!...get a life....grow up :(

Once we have the resources, get a job, and can actually go out there and buy stuff we crave for...sure we get the top components...but dont have the time/energy to actually play and finish the games!..sigh!

Same is the I have the resources, want to buy all the latest it ...try out the new games...feel happy that the game looks awesome...and then thats it!....somethin new comes out...then I'd want that!

I guess enthusiasts just wanna try out the stuff out there....I for one am like that...jus to experience the difference!

have i crapped enough?? decent article...I always ponder dont buy the latest.....but the temptation!!!...aaaah!
man wat u said is absolutely true.... its fits me and most of the working same lovers.... being in S/W company you only tend to get two days of leisure(weekends). even if we manage to play a game week end after weekend...there's a new demo or new game coming out... and we seek to play the latest and in process never completing any game in full....!!!

Coming to the article, Though the stats mentioned were old, what it signifies is universal. very useful.... nice find man:cool2:
Jasku said:
Once we have the resources, get a job, and can actually go out there and buy stuff we crave for...sure we get the top components...but dont have the time/energy to actually play and finish the games!..sigh!
This is the exact same thing which bites me a lot.When I had the time,I didn't have the resources to purchase stuff.Now I have all the resources in the world but sadly don't have the time.Have to manage time to watch movies,game on PS2 & PC.The saddest thing is after coming from work I feel dead tired & just feel like crashing somewhere.Surf the net for sometime & that's just about it.Just get time to play on weekends.:(

Hence I keep thinking to myself is it justified in getting a 12k graphic card & stuff like that? :huh:
Jasku said:
Well thats simply because when we have the time i.e skool/college... we dont have the funds to buy the components we want!...coz our parents will be like...why the hell u need a gfx card??!! play games...arent u too old for that?!...get a life....grow up :(

Once we have the resources, get a job, and can actually go out there and buy stuff we crave for...sure we get the top components...but dont have the time/energy to actually play and finish the games!..sigh!

Same is the I have the resources, want to buy all the latest it ...try out the new games...feel happy that the game looks awesome...and then thats it!....somethin new comes out...then I'd want that!

I guess enthusiasts just wanna try out the stuff out there....I for one am like that...jus to experience the difference!

have i crapped enough?? decent article...I always ponder dont buy the latest.....but the temptation!!!...aaaah!

So true.. My sis got Quad + 8 Gb + 8800 GTS based rig .. but when I ask ask my Mom to get me a new rig/PSP cause My P4 Northwodd [earliest of the P4] , 845 GVMRZ its old and i can't do anything new in that.. She only says what you will do. .Play games now you have college and blah blah blah.. Now I totally mad.. My rig is so crap that you can't even imaging .. I have 768 Mb of Ram out of which 512 Mb belongs to my bro. .. :@ :@ :@ Everytime I a demand.. both the siblings abruptly conclude that his rig is fine . no upgrades :@ But I am sure this time I'll convince my Mom :p

Else I have to continue my punching practice :lol:
Dark Star said:
So true.. My sis got Quad + 8 Gb + 8800 GTS based rig .. but when I ask ask my Mom to get me a new rig/PSP cause My P4 Northwodd [earliest of the P4] , 845 GVMRZ Ram cause its old and i can't do anything new win that.. She only says what you will do. .Play games now you have college and blah blah blah.. Now I totally mad.. My rig is so crap that you can't even imaging .. I have 768 Mb of Ram out of which 512 Mb belongs to my bro. .. :@ :@ :@ Everytime I a demand.. both the siblings abruptly conclude that his rig is fine . no upgrades :@ But I am sure this time I'll convince my Mom :p

Else I have to continue my punching practice :lol:

My deepest sympathies with u dark star...but ur sis sure does have a sweet setup man!...wat does she do with such a powerful rig?
^^Autodesk, Maya 3d , PS, and lots ofcoding stuff :@ But this time "Its All or Nothing" :@ I will surely burn my computer. .As I did with the partition table :lol:
Jasku said:
Well thats simply because when we have the time i.e skool/college... we dont have the funds to buy the components we want!...coz our parents will be like...why the hell u need a gfx card??!! play games...arent u too old for that?!...get a life....grow up :(

Once we have the resources, get a job, and can actually go out there and buy stuff we crave for...sure we get the top components...but dont have the time/energy to actually play and finish the games!..sigh!

Same is the I have the resources, want to buy all the latest it ...try out the new games...feel happy that the game looks awesome...and then thats it!....somethin new comes out...then I'd want that!

I guess enthusiasts just wanna try out the stuff out there....I for one am like that...jus to experience the difference!

have i crapped enough?? decent article...I always ponder dont buy the latest.....but the temptation!!!...aaaah!
+ 1000 This Exactly what happens.
Dark Star said:
So true.. My sis got Quad + 8 Gb + 8800 GTS based rig .. but when I ask ask my Mom to get me a new rig/PSP cause My P4 Northwodd [earliest of the P4] , 845 GVMRZ its old and i can't do anything new in that.. She only says what you will do. .Play games now you have college and blah blah blah.. Now I totally mad.. My rig is so crap that you can't even imaging .. I have 768 Mb of Ram out of which 512 Mb belongs to my bro. .. :@ :@ :@ Everytime I a demand.. both the siblings abruptly conclude that his rig is fine . no upgrades :@ But I am sure this time I'll convince my Mom :p

Else I have to continue my punching practice :lol:

i know how it feels...even i am in a a similar condition :(

but now i am getting used to this P4+1GB RAM even removed the 6600gt and started using onboard to make the rig ultra silent :P

it's only when i think of playing crysis or some latest game ..and watching a HD movie on 24 " DELL LCD. i feel wish i could get 60-65 k and get a good enough R.i.G which i can keep for the next 3-4 years :(.
:) So true for this thread....It in a way makes me feel sad..We never seem to be able to do what we want when we a new rig made after many years of dreaming about other people's rigs....But now do not get time to do anything on the rig..

It may sound bad...but sometimes I feel being born in a very rich household is the only way to really enjoy life...

Anybody has heard of a certain Paris Hilton :P:P

P.S Otherwise the middle class middle of the road your ass of till you die
Very nice article...makes a lot of sense...

If u know how to build your own rig and keep recycling/upgrading wisely rather than going out to buy a full blown PC, its not all that expensive

Below my opinions in the gamers point of view(with limited budget/conscience):

1. Sell your old config for a good price(when u plan for upgrade)...There would be many others who would die to have your config and will offer a good price for it.

Source: Friends/contacts, 2nd hand buying stores, Tech forums

2. Keep upgrading only Pro+MB, RAM and Graphics card, keep all other components for a long time, unless they need an absolute upgrade


KB+M, HDD, Monitor, Speakers etc

3. Let your monitor decide your graphic card. Buy your monitor based on your graphic card purchasing power. A person who can afford only 5 or 6K for GFX should best go for 17" screen to enjoy games at good visual settings.

4. Have patience and fix your mind for a 1.5 to 2 yr upgrade cycle, no matter how tempting it is.

Best way to do this is to play games which released 6 months to 1 year before..sure people wouldn't have time to play all games released in a year. So play all your backlog before going to the latest ones...(This is HARD, but WISE...)

Sure, going for big upgrade just to play CRYSIS doesn't make much sense to me. You can play the same crysis game after 6 months/1 year with all patches/better PC etc...

The above point is for guys who are in full-time job and find hardly few hours in a week to game

Guys with lot of time at hand to game - this wont work, they wont have much backlogs :)

Please comment with your opinions
Dark Star said:
^^Autodesk, Maya 3d , PS, and lots ofcoding stuff :@ But this time "Its All or Nothing" :@ I will surely burn my computer. .As I did with the partition table :lol:

lol that is so funky btw when is u birthday fall so u will get new rig later

btw i earn some part time job for service repair and assembled full computer so i earn little cash and study
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