doode if u play aoe2:tc ...come play online with me
another interesting part is buying a pc in india, when my old comp fried and had to get a new one, this is what compu guy told dad:
compu guy :: take the 1.6ghz e2140 and intel 945 mobo(dont know why they get a high everytime they say INTEL ORIGINAL).... it has 256mb onboard graphics(yeah we all know how much that 256mb helps) and can run any game.
me :: no that wont run anything at all, its impossible to run any new game on that
ofcourse dad believes him more than me

so i had cod4 on my hard-drive at that time so i challanged him to try it...he put the hard drive in his comp and guess didnot work
so then he asks me what i want....i said a biostar p35 mobo, he is like what the hell is p35........and then goes on to google it on the net
then he tells me biostar is not a good company....u shud take INTEL ORIGINAL mobo...
then we go on to the graphics.....i said i want a 8600gt 256mb ddr3
he is like OK i will call u later

then he called and told me which company cards were there and which were 256 and which were 512....i settled on a gigabyte 256mb silentpipe 8600gt