You Don't Have To Be Rich To Be a pc gamer

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I toltally agree...

I got a decent system at the moment



GTX 7900

19" TFT Monitor

What Do I play???

Age of Empires - The Age of Kings......
with 4 gigs of ram...I hope ur using a 64bit OS, otherwise its an overkill!

hmasalia said:
I toltally agree...
I got a decent system at the moment
GTX 7900

19" TFT Monitor
What Do I play???

Age of Empires - The Age of Kings......
doode if u play aoe2:tc ...come play online with me :D

another interesting part is buying a pc in india, when my old comp fried and had to get a new one, this is what compu guy told dad:

compu guy :: take the 1.6ghz e2140 and intel 945 mobo(dont know why they get a high everytime they say INTEL ORIGINAL).... it has 256mb onboard graphics(yeah we all know how much that 256mb helps) and can run any game.
me :: no that wont run anything at all, its impossible to run any new game on that
ofcourse dad believes him more than me :)
so i had cod4 on my hard-drive at that time so i challanged him to try it...he put the hard drive in his comp and guess didnot work

so then he asks me what i want....i said a biostar p35 mobo, he is like what the hell is p35........and then goes on to google it on the net
then he tells me biostar is not a good company....u shud take INTEL ORIGINAL mobo...

then we go on to the graphics.....i said i want a 8600gt 256mb ddr3
he is like OK i will call u later :)
then he called and told me which company cards were there and which were 256 and which were 512....i settled on a gigabyte 256mb silentpipe 8600gt

lol..i've lost count of the number of times i was told by local dealers about
the virtues of an original intel board and its onboard graphics when i was
gonna build a new PC and like you said the worst part is my dad would rather
believe the sh*t they spout, than me.Fortunately i took my dad to Lammy
and bought the stuff from there ,atleast half of the salesmen are knowlegeable there.:)

and regarding the thread topic, this is the config i recently bought for my friend who is into gaming.
4gb Gskill ram
Biostar P35 mobo

Total cost ~22K

Everything else like an HDD,cabinet,monitor etc he already owned but even considering that the price would barely cross 35K.
That is a very affordable price for something that isn't going to be outdated soon.
Update the graphics card once a year and you'll be playing the latest games for a long time.:cool2:
lmao at movies running at close to 60fps, games being smooth at above 20 fps and people not being able to perceive any difference above 60 fps. it's quite funny when article writers pull numbers out of their asses.
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