You know you are photograph junkie when...

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Picked up from a FB note:

When your walking along the beach at sunset with the woman you love and think . . . f8 at 1/200th
You take your own wedding pictures or get your best mate to stand as yourself at the alter, "just for a second"
If you know that "1/500s-f1.8@ISO400" is more properly written "1/500s-f/1.8@ISO400
You hold a P&S cam without a viewfinder to your face trying to figure out what is going on
If you know the diameter of every lens you own, but can't remember your girlfriend's ring size
If your new camera bag costs more then your first camera
If you smile every time you see 2.8, 1.4, 5.6 etc. on on non-photo-related display
If you tell the cost of things in Lenses
If every holiday pic with you in it shows you laden with gear or with your face glued to a camera
If the letter "L" has a special meaning in your heart
If your postpone your vacation because you do not have the right lens for it
When you can figure out how many stops your sunglasses are
When you go to a wedding and pay more attention to the photographer rather than the ceremony
If you are a couple months behind on post processing your picture
When you look at Playboy only to anaylize the lighting, pose and reflections from the eyes
For Christmas your kids gets bright clothes and your wife gets a jacket thats 18% gray
You get drunk and think that Image Stabilisation for eyes would be a good idea...
You're shopping for an external hard drive and when you pick up the TerraByte drive and see "will hold 240,000 pictures" and you laugh, "Not in RAW"
A friend sends you link to his holiday photos and you send him a PPed version back
When you pan the cars before crossing the road
You agree to take someone's picture for them, then smile to yourself as they tell you which button to press on their P&S to take the picture
People worry about your mental state when you turn up to an event with no camera.
You might be a photographer if you have a mental list of all the gear you want to get and have memorized the current approximate/exact prices.
If your 70-300 4-5.6 becomes a 70-200 4.0 which becomes a 70-200 2.8
If the feature of your living room is a light/soft box.
You're dancing at prom, but you're looking off to the side, and your date realizes and tells you to stop checking out the photographers kit
I'm not a hardcore photographer but even this made me chuckle ... Thanks for sharing :)
I have to agree on a whole lot of things in there which I personally have done in the past .. especially the wedding ceremony photographer thing.I have even struck a conversation with the dude just to figure out his techniques and camera.I was just a newbie back then.(still a newbie with yellow belt).
Aces170 said:
When you look at Playboy only to anaylize the lighting, pose and reflections from the eyes

I have done it quite a few times
When you feel like punching you cousin because he is messing with you saying that his camera is better coz it has more Mega Pixels... :P
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