You know you are star wars addict when..

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You know your a star wars addict when you get mad at your boss, and attempt to Force Grip him.

You know your a star wars addict & a redneck jedi when you pick your nose with your lightsaber more then once.

You know your a star wars addict when you get into a car wreck, and try to force heal yourself.

You know your a star wars addict when you know the script of a Star Wars movie by heart

You know your a star wars addict when you try to summon your PDA from across the room

You know your a star wars addict when you tell the officer "you do not want to question me."

When you try and jump start your car with force lightning

When you actualy jump start your car with force lightning

When you loose your ability to make a romantic sentence and say "I don't like sand"

When you say your trip to work is easier than the kessel run

When you start confusing the magic eight ball with a thermal detonater

When you start threatening people with the eight ball claiming it's a thermal detonater

When you begin building an X-Wing to escape an impending Death Star attack

When you start waving your fingers whenever you give a simple command

When you go to the Sahara to look for the chosen one

When you start thinking the remote is a light saber

When you use the remote as a light saber

You use any exuse to burp to sound like Darth Vader.

You're caught in a lie and your explanation is "What I told you was true. From a certain point of view."

Your friends at the Casino say that the House always wins and you say "Never tell me the odds!"

You thinks its funny to call Pizza Hut Jabba's Palace.

You Listen to Duel of Fates you know exactly where to yell Ewan McGreggor's "NO!!!!"
When you fail to see what's so Gay about C3P0 and Artoo Dee Two

You Give praise by saying "Impressive. Most Impressive."

You're listening your favorite radio channel and yell out "This STATION is now the ultimate power in the Universe!"

You refer to you 98' Oldsmobile as the "Fastest Hunka Junk in the Galaxy"

When you think black capes and hoods are in fasion in the middle of Summer.

Mindtricks obviously don't work on your Girl friend.

"Thank you" gets replaced with..."You'll find I'm full of surprises!"

your 89 seville has a astromech droid in the trunk.

you try mind tricks to get a raise from your boss.

you pretend ur firing proton torpedoes at the tailpipe of the car in front of you on the highway.

you try to trade your dog in for a taun-taun.

your car has a smugguling bay.

you buy a brass metal bikini for your girlfriend.

you try to turn the tractor beam power off at work.

When you start to expect your carpet to start talking wookie

When you try to use force protection when handeling dangerous things

When you continualsy watch, read, play and stare at anything and everything that you can find that is related to starwars

When you start wearing jedi robes where ever you go thinking that your dog is your padawan

When you can quote any line from any of the movies and say where they are and who said it

When you think that "Todays the day Obi-wan will take me to the council for jedi training" each day

When you think that Darth Vader will come in through your window at night to make a sandwich

when you get mad at someone you try to use force lightning on them

when the lightning actually appears

when you actually believe in the movie script

When you call an intern a padawan.

When you try to geek someone out by telling them the inner workings of how a LAAT gunship's targeting computers work

When you get in a fight at school and are constantly blocking his punches you shout : ONLY YOUR HATRED CAN DESTROY ME....

When you can do Form 4 lightsaber combat with a golf club

When you know every little thing about Star Wars that you can beat Michael Stackpole at SW Trivial Pursuit

When you go to your local bar and ask for "an eyeblaster, shaken, not fizzed"

When you start to call Bagdad Mos Eisley

When you ask why your hunting partner is carrying a blaster

When you see a tarantula on the floor and say, "Look at the cute little MT-AT"

That's all mesa can think of now.

(Oh, and when you start talking Gungan on Subz!)

when your boss threatens to fire you, and you say "You wish to keep me and give me a raise"
You know your SUPER additced to Star Wars when your boss obeys and says "I wish to keep you and give you a raise".

when you're convinced your a sith and form a ten year plan to overthrow
you're government

when you teacher make you angry you grab a lightsaber and say, "this is the
end for you, my master."

when you try to convince one of your friends to help you by saying, "come
to the dark side, it is your destiny."

when you have a dream that someone you know is going to die and ask
george bush to train you in the dark side so you can save them

when you dramatically yell 'But you were the Chosen One!' when people dissappoint you.
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