You know you're hooked on the internet if...


Mar 23, 2005
You know you're hooked on the internet if...

* You think "surfing" is something you do on dry land
* You find yourself staring at your "inbox" waiting for new e-mail to arrive.
* You communicate with people on other continents more than you do with your own neighbors.
* Your business cards contain your e-mail address.
* You promise yourself that you'll only stay online for another 15 minutes least once every hour.

You know you're really hooked on the internet if...

* You cut classes or miss work so you can stay home and browse the web.
* Everyone you know asks why your phone line is always busy.
* When you get home from a long day, you turn on the computer
before the air conditioner or the television.
* You religiously respond to immediately to e-mail, while ignoring your growing pile of snail mail
* You sit down at the computer right after dinner and your spouse says "See you in the morning."
* Your kids start referring to you as "that guy in front of the monitor."
* You're constantly yelling at your wife for using the phone for stupid talking.
* You consider selling drugs to pay for your online charges.

You know you're really, really hooked on the internet if...

* You think more about being online than you do about sex.
* You actually do sell drugs to pay for your online charges.
* You decide to stay in college for an additional year or two, just so you can have the free internet access.
* At parties, you introduce your spouse as your "service provider."
* Your wife melts your keyboard in the oven.
* Your husband has his lawyer deliver the divorce papers via
* Your computer costs more than your car.

It may be time to seek professional counseling if...

* You find yourself counting emoticons to get to sleep.
* You refuse to go to a vacation spot with no electricity and no phone lines.
* Someone asks you where you live and you reply with your IP
* When everybody else uses the greeting "how are you?" and you use the greeting "where would you like to go today?"
* Your sig line is "Anonymous."