adhirk said:SE k700i
@kippu, Nice model. Do you get wireless model from that company? :director:
Yay!!! My 35th post. Now I can edit my own post!!!hyeah: :gunsmile:
greenhorn said:first cell : samsung X200 : gave it to dad
second : Moto C 168 : gave it to sis
third : LG C2500: gave to mom
current : nokia 2310 with 1110 case :rofl:
Nikhil said:haha..... nope. This has been shifted to General Talk. Your posts wont be counted in this section...
No meaning as such. Just wanted to know the likings of people out of these so called hot cellsSaiyan said:Whats the meaning of this thread/Poll??
These are what is hot atm. Hot as in HOTPrivate Ryan said:Btw, why only these options??
Was nice to see you passing your time. We should have something to pass time. I get too bored after 14hrs of work or gaming whatever you can sayspacescreamer said:really seems to be a time pass thread ..
wot a waste ...
Chaos said:I use a crappy Moto L7. Sad UI but gets the job done... I can talk and use GPRS