Your Fav Anime

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i got Samurai X: The Movie n Ghost in the Shell (the movie) a while bak... looking for the Robotech series... does ne1 have them??
I have downloaded every single DBZ epsiode from ep 1 to the very last 276!, watched the whole series on my computer. Now i'm onto Dragon Ball GT. :ohyeah:
well, i have a few episodes of DBZ, then the movie Lion King 1 and 2 if u classify it as a anime :P
yeah, Lion king is not anime....
But your Avatar is! you do know who's in that avatar right ? its Vegeta, on Super Saiyan 4 level, and only shown on Dragonball GT which has never been aired in India.
Also i find Get Backers on AniMax quite cool.
params7 said:
yeah, Lion king is not anime....
But your Avatar is! you do know who's in that avatar right ? its Vegeta, on Super Saiyan 4 level, and only shown on Dragonball GT which has never been aired in India.
Also i find Get Backers on AniMax quite cool.
oh kool, so the guy in my Avtar is called Vegta from Dragonball Z huh, gr8 to find that out, i kinda have a habbit of using the pics or anime pics of charecters that i dont really know, but u must be very familier with these charecters, coz u have the entire collection right...:P
How many of you guyz watch or used to watch Animes/cartoons ( in animax, cartoon network, etc..). If so tell me your favourite animes.
flame of recca, grander musashi, pokemon :P beyblade, yamato takeru, etc etc
I love Dragonball Z to the core , next to that my favs are Samurai X, Inu Yasha, Cardcaptors sakura, pokemon.

Since Cartoon Network didn't show all the episodes of Dragonball Z in India. I downloaded all the episodes, movie of Dragonball Z( 276 episodes and 13 movie), Dragonball ( 153 episodes and 4 movie) and Dragonball GT( 64 episodes and 1 movie).:ohyeah: :ohyeah: :hap2: :hap2: :ohyeah: :cool2:

P.S. Darn thing i cartoon network doesnt come in chennai. If i want it i have to buy a setup box and pay seprately for it.:@
lol, i have the complete collection of DBZ too...including FAN made music vids :D:D

other stuff i loved : Flame of recca (damn axn for discontinuing it), Curious Play ( Gud of AXN to complete this one), inu yasha
There was one called Hungry Heart telecast on Animax every Wednesday evening from 1900 Hrs to 2000 Hrs. which was good. Story rotated around soccer.
used to see dragonball z,saw some episodes after which cartoon network turned hindi,so i stopped seein (damn cartoon network)
I love DBZ, othr anime lyk Samurai X, Inu Yasha, yes, ive seen all episodes of DBZ n GT, well yet 2 see DB,

Inu Yasha, only 2 eps a week, is gettin on my nerve. i cant wait, seriously, i lov dat anime,:) so wat else anime do u guyz see?
Have also watched DBZ and GT and completely, 10 DBZ movies + trunks special and bardok : the father of goku.

Own the full manga as well.

Next, i love Get Backers almost just as much, Cardcaptors is good too.

(lol too bad both Cartoon Network and ANImax run DBZ and GT outside India! In U.S, Cartoon Network is currently airing the unedited version of DBZ (if you watched DBZ in English, you missed all the blood, abusive language which were there in the JAP version but toned down in english version for the yound audience, they're redoing the first sagas where it casts on Network late at night in Toonami)
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