Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

All Mass Effect 2 DLCs completed.

And which did you happen to like the most out of them?
It's a tie between the Overlord DLC and Lair of Shadow Broker. Both of them were equally engaging. However, Shadow Broker had an upper hand in terms of it's length and action sequences, while Overlord's story was more compelling.
completed Almost all main quests in Skyrim - Some doesn't start because of bugs. Lots of side quests too

Earlier I played with a Nord and now playing with Khaljit - Liked J'Zargo and Khaljit Voice very much

But now I am Getting bored from this game :-/
Completed Castle Crashers this afternoon. Fantastic brawler titles and the last boss battle was really long. Good thing we were stocked up on our health potions. Finished the game with me on level 23 and my brother at level 20.
My gaming has been on backburner for couple of months.

My following PS3 games FIFA 12, UC3 , Batman Akhram City, NFS RUN , WWE 12 etc are biting the dust at the moment.
