your online money loss!!!


just reading through recent post/ thread about purchase or any kind of money investment which gone kapoot or party turn out to be scamster.

i remember some 7 years ago i read small classifieds about "work from home" , you need to pay 2k towards this a/c & in return we will send u kit etc blah blah. Then i realised its just scam & due to my over exitment with dream of making money in thousads just vanished. It was money which saved from salary or pocket money.

this is just sharing confession that i was duped. Reading about speakasia or recent market threads, I thought posting this thread.

so did you too lost money something like that online ?
Same, haven't lost a penny to scams or frauds till date. Actually a little common sense goes a long way in protecting one from being scammed. As they say, "You cannot con an honest man". Would you believe my father actually almost fell for the Nigerian email scam. He was ready to give his account information just before I found out about it and saved him from getting duped. :| Just remember a golden rule when shopping online and you will be safe. "If its too good to be true, its not".
15k to someone called Mohammed Hussain in Bangalore, went by the seller nickname '' using a HDFC account in Koramangla and a Hathway cable account.

Swore to never deal on ebay again after that. This was before PaisaPay offered decent protection. I did make a few small deals after PaisaPay and they were a bit better, but never anything big after that. I also developed very specific prejudices about business practices which I can't talk about in a public forum without being banned.
Never been swindled but I once sold a 100% working Athlon on ebay and the buyer reported me for selling burnt chip, which I hadn't...he wanted his money back and swore abused me black n blue.
kippu said:
if you take my working online loss into account , all your losses will pale in comparison :|

Free Cam Service? :p

I have not suffered any loss as of yet. Neither do I intend to.

Few things you can do to avoid scams and bad deals.

1. Do not assume anything, not even the obvious. Clear all your doubts and the seller's TnC before you commit to purchase. An honest person would not mind entertaining your queries irrespective of your intention.

2. As stated before, If it is too good to be true then it is most probably not true.

3. Be polite; there always is 1st time for everything and you do not want it to be the 1st time for the 'to be' scammer.

As for schematic scams..

Ask yourself the following:

1. Where are your returns coming from? (What is the revenue of the scheme apart from just the numbers?)

2. Is it a fair return? (Does the return sound appropriate and not overrated for the task taken in the scheme?)

3. Is it something you would return incase you had people working for you?

4. Can you take as much responsibility to justify your returns and the amount of people you get involved?

Most schemes lure the investor in believing and imagining the Big picture without caring about the lowest link.

But all along the investor forgets that he indeed is the lowest link.

It is always the lowest link at any instant that gets completely screwed.. Can you take the responsibility of loss of the investor at the lowest level in your chain if at any instant the schemers turn scammers?