Rave said:attach thumbnails la, those pics taking forever to load
and what are those cases of cds there? u have UG2 and all the other games in that rack orignal?? :O
dude Switch, those games are orignal or what??!!
Rockyme2002 said:damN Now Sunny's makin me more mad like it aint enough....
ND yea seriously ....u need to clean up....nd is tht ur LIANLI u modded
SunMysore said:yeah...same lian li the mobo plate isnt strong...it'll bend if i place it vertical
hehehe...expect a brand new, completely custom lian li soon
TheMask said:looks like sunny scraped off so much metal from his case that the case acts drunk now.. it cant stand up-straight nemore.. hehehe
n did u guys notice sunny n his gal in that pic? n NO the other guy is not me!
Rave said:still no reply... duhh.. avoiding huh switch :S
ok, wanna have a chat la, come online at msn if u can..