Graphic Cards Zotac RMA issue (Aditya Infotech)


my friend's zotac 9600gt died on him yesterday.he had bought this from lynx india last when he went to aditya infotech,the guy incharge refused to take the card calling it 'non-local'.he says we only look into cards bought locally despite presenting to him the original bill.after a lot of requests he took the my question is 'wat if there is an issue with the card in the future'? will he accept it again? also is he right in saying that he wud only accept local cards? wat explanation do i give to him?:huh:
Re: RMA issue(Aditya Infotech)

See the box for the distri's address to see if it was imported by local dealer.
If yes then the card should be accepted by the service centre.
Re: RMA issue(Aditya Infotech)

I Got my 4850X2 Rma'ed From Aditya Recently, I Didn't Face Any problem with it,though I didn't tell them where I got the card from.

But it did take them 2 whole months for the RMA....
Re: RMA issue(Aditya Infotech)

need some expert's advice who cud answer all the queries in the first post.pls.
Re: RMA issue(Aditya Infotech)

Baseless reason imo. Local warranty means you can avail warranty anywhere in India provided you purchased the stuff in India.
Man this news sux. I had read elsewhere in the forum that aditya does sapphire warranty and replaces no questions asked. Based on this info, i bought a sapphire card from the US. Now i hope it doesn't die on me!
also is it normal for him to take just the card and not the entire box? i insisted on him to take the entire box and replace the same but he just woudn't take anything but the the card.

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also amarbir asked my frnd to report this to the aditya info head office. do i go forward?

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i know i'm getting into the 'nitty gritties' which r quite difficult to be answered.but still if anyone has the 'intel',do not hesitate to post.
i called the service centre up today and they're asking for 10 more days claiming 'unavailability'. i asked them for an upgrde option instead but they denied saying that they were already doing me favour by accepting the card.they say they never accept stuff from a customer(only dealers).the guy was also very rude.pathetic experience!
^Send me the distributors/RMA centre name
Aditya accepts even cards bought fom US provide you get manufacturer consent.
They are not doing a favour by accepting your card for RMA. Tell them to cut BS and replace the card asap.
the card should be replaced within 30 of the policies aditya a follows in bangalore here(unless u have a HD 5970 etc)
tufel said:
also is it normal for him to take just the card and not the entire box? i insisted on him to take the entire box and replace the same but he just woudn't take anything but the the card.

That is pretty normal. Accessories don't have warranty and the RMA people usually take only the main product and replace it, they don't give you new fresh box along with accessories. I had the same experience with RMA of an XFX Card (Rashi) as well as a Gigabyte Mobo. In both cases, only the main product was taken from me and a new piece without accessories returned to me.

As for the RMA guy saying that they handle RMA for local purchases, he is probably trying to bullshit his way out. Make it clear that you won't stand for it. As the distributors and the ones providing warranty in India, they are legally obligated to provide you the replacement. Even if you give the product to a local dealer for warranty claim, they would still have to send it over to the distributor/RMA handler.
My gtx 295, also bought from lynx-india, recently died on me as well. They accepted it without a hitch.

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Im in Mumbai btw
^^they did accept it but why on earth wud they take 20 days to replace a goddamn card.they cud also offer me upgrage options.but as i said they r making it out as if they've done me a favour.will someone answer my last query?
tufel said:
^^they did accept it but why on earth wud they take 20 days to replace a goddamn card.they cud also offer me upgrage options.but as i said they r making it out as if they've done me a favour.will someone answer my last query?
20 days is a very optimistic estimate. My RMA's took 2 months on avg (Not Aditya though). Even if you try to hurry them, they would only talk as if the long delay is justified because this is India. As for the upgrade option, they are not obligated to give you such an option unless there is no other way. Even if the card is not sold any more, they would only have to give you a Refurbished card or an Engg Sample that the parent company has lying around. Replacement cards are almost always refurbished cards anyway.

Also why do you even want push for the upgrade option? They will estimate the current market price of your existing card and make you pay the balance and in most cases, the balance you have to pay would not be pretty and even the warranty you get would be what's left over from your old card. You might as well buy a new card with full warranty in that case.