ZTE Blade aka DELL XCD 35 aka Orange San Francisco Thread

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^ Yes mate, just follow the instructions on that page thoroughly and you're good. StevenHarperUK has done a great job with the guide. Use the clockwork method as the full phone transplant can be a little dangerous if anything goes wrong.

Do charge the phone to the fullest before attempting the flash and rest all should be fine.
grrrr i upgraded from JJ RLS3b to RLS7 image, phone seems to be very laggy :(
Guys with JJ RLS7...did yiu flash the image version or the non image one?
Image version is for total phone transplant method. You've to follow a separate procedure for that. If you're using clockwork method install the non image version. I used clockwork.

Sent from my ZTE-BLADE using Tapatalk
Using launcher pro its very fast for me but with live wallpapers the app drawer lags.

Sent from my ZTE-BLADE using Tapatalk
^ JJ RLS 7 is good but loading too much can cause lag. From 2 whole days I installed and uninstalled boat loads of apps. Now it is showing some lag. :P
there is a spare parts application in JJ RSL7 go there and switch off windows animation, fancy input animation, transition animation etc, that might help to reduce the lag.

Edit: battery life has definitely improved with JJ RSL7, android system is almost consuming nill battery now, wonder how is this happening but battery usage is definitely better, the UI is pretty responsive too, I installed the angry birds holiday season and it was so smooth, on stock rom, it always use to hang! bw did you guys install these plugin -

Japanese_Jellyfish_RLS8_ahb_overclocked.zip (50% AHB bus overclocking at speeds above 600MHz addon)

Japanese_Jellyfish_RLS8_hw_ui.zip (Addon to enable hardware accellerated UI)
Ahb oc n hw ui... wilk consume lot of battery i think.

Btw how much battery backup u guyz are getting?

For me its half a day only. Am also on rls7+circular battery. android system is consuming some serious battery.

Sent from my ZTE-BLADE
battery life is reasonable for a smart phone for me. almost gets me through the day with about 30-60 mins of calling, mail checking and a bit of maps.

though even for me on RSL7 system, andriod consumes about 80% of the battery. Has to be because the screen is what will be consuming most of the battery.

initially when I got the phone, the battery life was a whole lot worser. Has improved quite a bit with a few discharge cycles, so for those who has got the phone recently, then the same might happen in there case
And too bad that RLS 8 requires mandatory wipe of data/cache.. :(

Upgrading from rls 7 is Not worth the pain involved installng all apps again.
saurabhnarula said:
so how do we upgrade, we go to clockwork, wipe cache/data, install the RLS8 zip, done? I am on JJ RLS7 currently.
Yes.. But you will lose all your contacts, call logs, shortcuts and installed apps. Take backup of each of these and restore after flash.
^ yes that's how it is. :)

For people having problems with battery life, do try the battery recalibration process mentioned at modaco. It really helps. If its not calibrated properly the phone reports wrong level of battery and switches off even if there is battery left.

I've installed JJ rls7+ hw ui+ gingerbread theme. I lose only about 1% to 3% overnight whereas on 2.1 it was close to 20%, just to give you a comparison.

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