Zune 30gb (1st gen) for ~3500

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raksrules said:
So all in all, is it worth going for this zune for around 2.6k or not ???

Also check the below search link, only the white and other colour Zunes have GENUINE written before them but the black one does not have :S

It is confusing.

DealExtreme: Search for zune wifi
Dealextreme has some excellent quality 'Genuinely Fake' items for sale along with the 'Genuinely Genuine' products.

What's more, u'll not know which category it belongs to unless you get your hands on it!! :P
^^But DX user reviews says it is genuine product and mention of things like "No drag and drop" and only transfer of video,audio, pics etc through its software do assure that the product is genuine.
"Genuine" and "original" perhaps have a slightly different meaning in Chinese than what we normally understand. I once read this comment by a Chinese seller and am yet to make sense of it:

"Pandawill replied:

the difference between original and genuine is that genuine is not 100% original.But its quality is almost the same as original one.If you seel on ebay, you'd better delete "Monster lady gaga" etc letters"

And also: "Augusto said :

If genuine doesn't mean original, then what's the difference between genuine and original?

Pandawill replied:

the difference is that they come out from different manufacturer."

"imbuibuiurnot said :

hi, is the product genuine? do you ship to UK addresses?

Pandawill replied:

We can ship it to UK address but genuine moesn't mean original."

Link It is down below in the reviews section.
that model is almost 5years old . its the first Zune model and was marked for 100 usa dollars . my cousin bought it through his friend . the player sq is acceptable and battery is not that great
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