FIFA 13 Gets First Official
Source : http://news.softpedia.com/news/FIFA-13-Gets-First-Official-Screenshots-268403.shtml
Source : http://news.softpedia.com/news/FIFA-13-Gets-First-Official-Screenshots-268403.shtml
EA Sports has released the first official
screenshots for their upcoming FIFA 13, the
football simulation that will be launched on as
many platforms as possible during the early fall
launch season of 2012.
The team working on the game has already
announced that it has plans to upgrade a
number of elements of the FIFA experience,
from the way the ball is controlled to the player
impact engine and the Artificial Intelligence that
controls the various computer teams.
New facial mappings techniques will also be
used in order to create a more realistic looking
experience, especially when the most famous
players in the world are in the picture.
FIFA 12 was one of the best-selling titles for
Electronic Arts for fiscal 2012 and the company
is probably hoping that the new video game in
the series will have a similarly long tail and will
generate equal excitement among the player