FIFA 13 - Discussion Thread

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FIFA 13 Gets First Official


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EA Sports has released the first official

screenshots for their upcoming FIFA 13, the

football simulation that will be launched on as

many platforms as possible during the early fall

launch season of 2012.

The team working on the game has already

announced that it has plans to upgrade a

number of elements of the FIFA experience,

from the way the ball is controlled to the player

impact engine and the Artificial Intelligence that

controls the various computer teams.

New facial mappings techniques will also be

used in order to create a more realistic looking

experience, especially when the most famous

players in the world are in the picture.

FIFA 12 was one of the best-selling titles for

Electronic Arts for fiscal 2012 and the company

is probably hoping that the new video game in

the series will have a similarly long tail and will

generate equal excitement among the player

WOw Great !!!

Hope they concentrate a bit more on Full Manual Controls this time
FIFA 12 is the most incredible sports game of all time. Played it over 500 hours already, and continuing.

Pre-ordering this game ASA it comes up on Flikart.

Still haven't played much of FIFA12 and FIFA13 on the way. Games these days just

It's a sports game franchise? What exactly are you expecting? They skipping a year?
At least delaying or launching it in new year. I mean teasing it on new year. Of course right now we even know that there's gonna be FIFA15 too. lol

Saale Pehele hi ungli kar dete hain.
I will be buying this,like the 12 i have bought since the last decade or so.most addictive game for a footy an for sure.

I hope they improve the manager mode.improve as in add a few more's a bit too simplistic at this moment.

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I am currently rocking the player mode for around 2 odd seasons.its taken some getting used to with an upclose camera angle.

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Its not that i won't be buying the game. Its just that they should announce it so early kind makes you waiting.
Havent played any of the new FIFA's ... still love the fifa 2000 game. Hope they release a HD version of it
HD version of FIFA 2000? O my god hahahaha...

Why would you want that. Start playing the new ones mate. You'll like them. I assure you. Although you will be a bit i dunno not good at playing first as you not played tha past FIFA 'decade'. but you'll get a hang on it.
You're joking right? Re-releasing an old fifa game that too remastered in HD might be the worst idea ever!

HAHAHA Exactly!
#[member='krugur'] brother if you haven't played any fifa then i guess start with FIFA13 then. Haven't played for 12 years i think you can manage one more year. Start with it and forget about HD version of FIFA2k. lol
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