HomeShop18 - Coupons & Deals

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^ They are way too big a dealer to get into losses. Pretty much all the phone deals on homeshop18 are from cart2india. Also I have noticed these special one days prices are on models which are out of favour or will soon be outdated due to an updated model coming into the market. The stocks aren't clearance in that they are mostly from June 2012 , but they help the manufacturer / distributor get rid of surplus
Two Homeshop18 100/- of 1000/- gift coupons:(


(In the background goats bleat,crows crow.donkeys bray,dogs bark,in short,complete cacophony.These leechers,blood-suckers.Why cant they just give two flat 100 off coupons.SOBs!!!!!!!!):censored2::pissed::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:.

Wanna hear another story?As part of the acquisition of by homeshop18,I was issued a flat 40/- off coupon by to be used on anything on

It was my first purchase on three books.applied 40 off coupon.But I had given the wrong pincode for my address.So order cancelled.And I could not use that coupon again.After lot of haranguing with customer service was issued another flat 40 off coupon.Meanwhime these s....... jack up the price of 1 of 3 books from my order by Rs 19/-.So effective discount becomes Rs 21/-.Nice show :(:sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:.Then on dispatch of order issue these couple of 100 of 1000 coupons.:sarcastic::sarcastic:
^ Totally opposite in my case. Gave wrong city and PIN (Delhi instead of Bangalore :p..Was experimenting one product which was not available for Bangalore). aramex updated the pin code to bangalore and sent to bangalore. BTW, HS18 does not even know about this change in PIN, city.
Guys any 100/200 off coupons available for Homehop18? I need to buy a few book, total amounts to 790. Any coupon to use?
Guys any 100/200 off coupons available for Homehop18? I need to buy a few book, total amounts to 790. Any coupon to use?

Try these :

Rs. 50 off on Rs. 250+ Coupon: GCENHP5E3NV1
Rs. 100 off on Rs. 500+ Coupon: GCY5UJCNPK5E (valid for 24 hours)
Rs. 100 off on Rs. 600+ Coupon: GCDF321NF4UA
Try these :

Rs. 50 off on Rs. 250+ Coupon: GCENHP5E3NV1
Rs. 100 off on Rs. 500+ Coupon: GCY5UJCNPK5E (valid for 24 hours)
Rs. 100 off on Rs. 600+ Coupon: GCDF321NF4UA

Already bought using the same coupon given by sg3707. :D
Books arrived at my place already a while ago. :P
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