Google Launches Free Turn-By Turn Voice Navigation In India

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Google has launched its free turn-by-turn voice navigation service in India . The official announcement is not yet done but it has gone live . Edit : google has made official announcement here .


The service was already available in USA and some other countries and has finally made its way to India , along with voice navigation .

To complement the launch of Google Maps Navigation in India, Google Maps will also begin to offer live traffic information for major roads in six large Indian cities and their surrounding suburbs: Bengaluru, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Pune and Hyderabad.



  • Add starred places for one-click access
  • One click navigation to your contacts
  • Voice input for destination
  • One click navigation for home, office
  • Traffic details

^I think 'Navigation' is part of Google Maps itself. Once you have Maps installed, the navigation icon will also appear.

I hope they will cover whole India pretty soon....
How can we get offline maps. This 3G/2G isn't reliable always and is a PITA.
Well go in options , its available . I have around 200 MB+ maps offline saved . I have selected 550 KM route saved in offline . When i go travelling just use the same offline maps . I know the route but open google maps just for the heck of it . The only issue to open offline saved maps menu it requires internet , then you can switch it off and work from saved maps .
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