0-20k Please suggest component to upgrade current spec of PC

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I am thinking of upgrading my PC (except MoBo & Processor) :
Current Spec :
1. Intel C2D 2.93 GHz E7500 processor
2. Gigabyte MotherBoard (Model not sure)
3. 2 GB RAM
4. 9500 GT Graphics Card
5. 1 TB HDD

Please suggest following components which I want to upgrade :
1. Graphics Card Under 10k (Will be using with 23" LED Monitor)
2. 4 GB DDR3 RAM Under 2k (Not sure whether I use DDR3 RAM or have to use DDR2)
3. Cabinet Under 2.5k (without SMPS)
4. Power Supply Under 1.5k 600W/550W (Not sure how much power will be required)

Deepak Anand.
@deepakanand Can you tell me the model number of your mobo,It'd difficult to decide if it supports DDR3 ram or not.
Here's what's good considering your requirement-
Sapphire HD7770-9k
Gskill Ripjaws 2X2GB-1.7k
Corsair CX430V2-2.4k[It's best to not compromise on PSU]
Nzxt Gamma-2.4k
Hope this helps.:)
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Thanks for quick reply Jacob. Just opened my CPU and checked the MoBo Model number (Its DDR2 supporting only :( ) . Pasting requirements below is specified template again :

Q: What is your budget?

Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
CPU - Intel E7500
Motherboard - Gigabyte GA G41M-ES2D
GPU - 9600 GT
RAM - Transcend 2X1GB
Monitor - Dell 2312HM (Will be buying soon)
Cabinet - Zebronics basic
SMPS - Intex 45W
HDD - 1 TB

Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
CPU - Intel E7500
Motherboard - Gigabyte GA G41M-ES2D
Monitor - Dell 2312HM
HDD - 1 TB

Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
1. Graphics Card Under 10k (Will be using with 23" LED Monitor)
2. 4 GB DDR2 RAM Under 2k
3. Cabinet Under 2.5k (without SMPS)
4. Power Supply Under 2k 600W/550W (Not sure how much power will be required)

Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
Final Config for alteast 2 Yrs.

Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)

Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market

Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
Watching HD movies

Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
No preference

Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
Strategy & Racing Games at medium to high settings

Q: Are you looking to overclock?

Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
Windows 7 32 Bit
Since your motherboard doesn't support DDR3 then you'd have to get a new mobo which supports DDR3 and DDR2.
Sapphire HD7770-9k OR Sapphire HD7750-7.4k
Gigabyte G41 Combo-3.4k
Gskill Ripjaws 2X2GB-1.7k
Corsair CX430V2-2.4k[It's best to not compromise on PSU]
Nzxt Gamma-2.4k
If you don't want to get a new mobo then get 4GB DDR2 ram.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Jacob.
Also 1 more thing. Will 430 W power be enough? (Coz I have 1 wi-fi card, 1 Optical Drive and 2 HDDs (500 + 500 GB) too).
Thanks Jacob.
Also 1 more thing. Will 430 W power be enough? (Coz I have 1 wi-fi card, 1 Optical Drive and 2 HDDs (500 + 500 GB) too).

Go for the Seasonic S12II 520W in that case, will keep options open for later upgrades.

Hope this helps, Cheerio!
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