0-20k Upgrading my friend's PC

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I am going to buy my friend's PC in coming days which he dont use much(he's always on his laptop like me :P) and obv i will have to upgrade it after hearing its configuration

Q: What is your budget?
Don't know

Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
CPU - Intel Pentium 4 2.93 Ghz
Motherboard - Gigabyte G31M-ES2L
GPU - Don't know
RAM - 2 GB ddr2
Monitor - HCL monitor
SMPS - dont know it either

Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
Monitor - HCL monitor
and i think motherboard and ram as well if it will be compatible with new processor

Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
Processor- confused b/w i3 and i5 (dont know anything abt them :D) so plz suggest me according to my needs
Graphic card (dont know abt it either )
Ram (may be will updrage it to 4 GB)

Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
I will not upgrade the following for abt 2 years

Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
Open to online purchase and local dealers

Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market

Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
Gaming ( i dont wanna play the latest.. but yeah will be playing games and dont want to have best graphic in them just want them to run lag free)
Desktop Processing
Watching simple movies (not necessarily HD)

Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.

Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
Fifa 12
Max payne 3
Strategy - Civilization 4
Racing - Grid at medium to high settings

Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
Dont know

Q: Are you looking to overclock?

Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
atm i have win 7 32 bits so may be will proceed with this as well

And please also suggest me at what prize shud i buy it from my friend according to the config i listed above( i am only buying his CPU i have monitor,mouse, keyboard, speaker and webcam of my own
@rahulahuja, try for the following configuration --

Intel Core i3 3220 ~7500/-
GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H ~4500/-
Corsair Vengeance 4GB x1 ~1600/- (RAM is dirt-cheap, try to bag as much as possible add another 4GB module down the line)
AMD HD6770 ~6000/-
Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 1TB ~4500/- (a 500GB drive will set you back by approximately ~3500/-)
HP [boxed] optical drive ~1000/-
Corsair CX v2430W ~2700/-
Cooler Master eLite 311 Plus ~2000/- (price may be higher, I am not sure on this count)
APC BR600VA-IN ~2000/-

Hope this helps, Cheerio!

You are just buying your friend's monitor, not the dabba so the price is between you two.
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rahulahuja, try for the following configuration --

Intel Core i3 3220 ~7500/-
GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H ~4500/-
Corsair Vengeance 4GB x1 ~1600/- (RAM is dirt-cheap, try to bag as much as possible add another 4GB module down the line)
AMD HD6770 ~6000/-
Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 1TB ~4500/- (a 500GB drive will set you back by approximately ~3500/-)
HP [boxed] optical drive ~1000/-
Corsair CX v2430W ~2700/-
Cooler Master eLite 311 Plus ~2000/- (price may be higher, I am not sure on this count)
APC BR600VA-IN ~2000/-

Hope this helps, Cheerio!

You are just buying your friend's monitor, not the dabba so the price is between you two.
I will suggest you to cut down some fund on processor part as per your need :
Intel Pentium G620 Processor - 2.6GHz Rs 3,475.00 ( you are saving 4k here)
You can also cutdown on RAM , go for :
Transcend DDR3-1333 DDR3 4 GB PC RAM Rs. 1098 ( you are saving around Rs. 700 here) (Flipkart.com)
For Cabinet consider :
COOLER MASTER Elite 310 1,800.00/ (theitwires.com)- saving aroun Rs.300-400
Don;t go for local cabby brand like iball you will not saving much anyway.

So you have now extra 5k. you can either keep the money or get Sapphire AMD/ATI HD 7770 1 GB for Rs. 9844 (flipkart.com)

I am assuming you will be gaming at max 720p or lower resolution. i3 will overkill for your needs now and in next 2 years but with 7770 you will feel much more in gaming and its pretty future proof at this kind of resolution.
You are just buying your friend's monitor, not the dabba so the price is between you two.

I think my post was interpreted wrongly.. (my fault now i have edited the above post)

I am only taking my friend's dabba (CPU) so want suggestion in it only like upgrading processor, motherboard(if needed) and graphic card (which is obv needed as he doesnt have any just inbuilt one on his motherboard)
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I think my post was interpreted wrongly.. (my fault now i have edited the above post)

I am only taking my friend's dabba (CPU) so want suggestion in it only like upgrading processor, motherboard(if needed) and graphic card (which is obv needed as he doesnt have any just inbuilt one on his motherboard)

That is what I am telling you, that you will have to upgrade the entire CPU + motherboard + RAM components to make them relevant for today's workings. You will need a new SMPS, maybe only the cabinet frame will be retained by you.
That is what I am telling you, that you will have to upgrade the entire CPU + motherboard + RAM components to make them relevant for today's workings. You will need a new SMPS, maybe only the cabinet frame will be retained by you.

Oh! so his motherboard is outdated as well?
@rahulahuja, try for the following configuration --

Intel Core i3 3220 ~7500/-
GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H ~4500/-
Corsair Vengeance 4GB x1 ~1600/- (RAM is dirt-cheap, try to bag as much as possible add another 4GB module down the line)
AMD HD6770 ~6000/-
Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 1TB ~4500/- (a 500GB drive will set you back by approximately ~3500/-)
HP [boxed] optical drive ~1000/-
Corsair CX v2430W ~2700/-
Cooler Master eLite 311 Plus ~2000/- (price may be higher, I am not sure on this count)
APC BR600VA-IN ~2000/-

Hope this helps, Cheerio!

You are just buying your friend's monitor, not the dabba so the price is between you two.

Can i use the 500 GB (old one) hard disk ? Its working fine in his PC so does hard disk also need to be compatible or are they compatible with all processor/motherboard?
And no need of UPS as i already have one.
and what this: Corsair CX v2430W ~2700/-?
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Can i use the 500 GB (old one) hard disk ? Its working fine in his PC so does hard disk also need to be compatible or are they compatible with all processor/motherboard?
And no need of UPS as i already have one.
and what this: Corsair CX v2430W ~2700/-?

Is it a Parallel-ATA (PATA) OR a Serial-ATA (SATA) drive? If it is PATA you will notice a considerable dip in performance and long load times for the newer OS's but if it is SATA you can carry it forward.

The Corsair CX v2430W is the PSU / SMPS.
Is the old hard drive IDE or Sata,If it's IDE then you'd have to use a converter to get it working on the new rig,If it's Sata then no need to get converter.The Corsair CX430V2 is a Power Supply[smps].Which UPS do you have?
Can i use the 500 GB (old one) hard disk ? Its working fine in his PC so does hard disk also need to be compatible or are they compatible with all processor/motherboard?
And no need of UPS as i already have one.
and what this: Corsair CX v2430W ~2700/-?
what's the role of PSU / SMPS?

And i dont know the exact model no. of my UPS but it is from APC and i can only find " Back-UPS ES 5 0 0) written on it..it is also a old one

and how wud i know which type of hard disk he has.. i have already told him to install AIDA64 on his PC but what to do afterward?

PS: I'm sorry i am sounding too noob :D
what's the role of PSU / SMPS?

And i dont know the exact model no. of my UPS but it is from APC and i can only find " Back-UPS ES 5 0 0) written on it..it is also a old one

and how wud i know which type of hard disk he has.. i have already told him to install AIDA64 on his PC but what to do afterward?

The SMPS is what powers the entire RIG, here is some detail on same --> Anatomy of Switching Power Supplies | Hardware Secrets / Switched-mode power supply - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Converts AC power into DC.

It is a 500VA UPS, should work well for your new system, so no worries there.

About the hard-drive if he allows you to open his cabinet check for the cable going to his hard-drive and simply verify them against these pictures on Wikipedia.
Serial ATA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Parallel ATA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hope this helps, Cheerio!
The SMPS is what powers the entire RIG, here is some detail on same --> Anatomy of Switching Power Supplies | Hardware Secrets / Switched-mode power supply - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Converts AC power into DC.

It is a 500VA UPS, should work well for your new system, so no worries there.

About the hard-drive if he allows you to open his cabinet check for the cable going to his hard-drive and simply verify them against these pictures on Wikipedia.
Serial ATA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Parallel ATA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hope this helps, Cheerio!

will verify abt the hard disk whenever i'll visit him (may be today itself)

and will he not have SMPS in his PC? isn't it necessary for old pc? And if he has how to check it which one he has? and can i use it?
There will be a name of the company on the PSU,You'll have to remove the psu from the machine and check it,If it's Intex OR Iball,Zebronics then it's a local piece,Still do check and tell.
but then also how can i check which one he has?

- - - Updated - - -

Yeah it's a local piece,It's better you buy a new one which is suggested above.
nah.. it is some BESTEC
Model: ATX-300-12Z

and a hp sticker on it as well
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