Intel Pentium G630 ~3500/- OR Intel Core i3 2120 ~6500/-
GIGABYTE-B75M-D3H ~4500/- OR Intel DH61WW ~3000/-
Corsair Vengeance 4GB x1 ~1600/- (add another RAM module later)
AMD HD7750 ~7500/- OR AMD HD6770 ~6500/-
Corsair CX v2430W ~2700/-
[the jerry-rig PATA -->SATA adapater] ~300/-
Hope this helps, Cheerio!
Can u provide me the links of these products on flipkart (or any other gud website)
And AMD HD7750 is of 1 GB? and it is of which company( MSI, eVGA, XFX, Sapphire etc)?
And the PATA-->SATA adapater has some model no., company?