0-20k Suggest Nvidia GPU Budget 15-22K

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wizened Dinosaur

Looking to (finally) getting a GPU for my RIG - 3770K

I have targetted the Asus GTX660 Ti-DC2T-2GD5 and the best price that I could find was at theitdepot for Rs 22100/- Is it available for a lesser price anywhere else? I would prefer ONLY AN ONLINE PURCHASE. This is the best review that I have come across of the above HARDOCP - Introduction - ASUS GeForce GTX 660 Ti DirectCU II TOP Review

Initially, I had set a budget of 12-18K however prices have hardly come down & I am looking at using this GPU for the next 3 years at least. It would be permanently connected to my 47" LG LED TV as well as my Dell 23" monitor at full HD settings.

I need Nvidia ONLY - as I would be using it with After Effects CS6; Photoshop CS6; Adobe Premiere Pro; Nuke; Lightroom; Maya and Hackintosh. Gaming - only occassional and at full HD settings.

I was also confused with going in for GTX 650 Ti or GTX 660 or GTX 660 Ti TOP (I wish I could find benchmarks just for these 3) - all these have different Nvidia chips - GK107; 106 and 104; similarly their CUDA cores/ Stream Processors are 384; 960 and 1344. Obviously - all the latter indices mean a better performer. Cost wise - its 10200; 17510 and 22100.

Asus has many variants, however just 2-3 of them are available with any dealer online ( hardwire.in and theitdepot have the maximum listed of Asus). I am not too comfortable with Zotac.

terence_fdes You'd go with MSi N660-Ti OC-21.5k MSI N660Ti PE 2GD5/OCit seems the cheapest and suits your work requirement this gpu is similar to Asus GTX660ti OC or little better in memory clock stats so it'll do the job,Everywhere else Asus OR Zotac GTX660-Ti are priced above 23k so that will exceed your budget.Check the shipping charges with SMCbut i think you'll get cheaper than Theitdepot.Hope this helps.:)
terence_fdes You'd go with MSi N660-Ti OC-21.5k MSI N660Ti PE 2GD5/OCit seems the cheapest and suits your work requirement this gpu is similar to Asus GTX660ti OC or little better in memory clock stats so it'll do the job,Everywhere else Asus OR Zotac GTX660-Ti are priced above 23k so that will exceed your budget.Check the shipping charges with SMCbut i think you'll get cheaper than Theitdepot.Hope this helps.:)

Thanks mate ... will definately look into this. I am also trying to search for comparitive benchmarks between these brands. Trouble is Asus reigns supreme for build quality & performance [likewise if you observe carefully, each and every component of my new RIG was chosen carefully - after assessing "superb build-quality & performance" within a price-factor that I had in mind. I do not want to compromise on these factors ..... My RIG has already crossed 1.10L -with additional HDD's etc & without the GPU].

I do not want the GPU to act as an under performer or bottleneck my RIG. So between Nvidia's GK107; 106 & 104 - which is the best.? The answer too (I guess is GK104) .... however, I have not able to come across any comparitive reviews and benchmarks that prove 104 to be far better than 106 - in Photoshop / After Effects / Maya.... or Gaming performance too. I can live with upto even 10-20 percent difference.

So if the GTX 660 (base edition GK106) under performs the GTX 660 Ti TOP edition by 10-20 percent - it's OK with me, as the price difference is Rs 5000/- However, if the difference is much more & also because of the extra CUDA cores, then I would go for the 660 Ti TOP edition.

Strangely, I have noticed a price difference of almost Rs 2000/- an more between different vendors (and here I am not even thinking of Flipkart - where the prices are ridiculous).

Footnote: Just in case folks are wondering why I am not considering the Radeon - well
1] out of habit (as I've used ONLY Nvidia from the start .... that's nearly 20 years ago or so, if I can remember well)
2] why the GTX 660 Ti is better than Radeon 7970 (for example) - only NVIDIA's video cards offer multi-display 3D gaming, Adaptive VSync, PhysX technology, GPU Boost, FXAA, and now TXAA.

You're right about the specific benchmarks,You might never get them but you'll have to assume that more number of CUDA cores in a GPU will give you better performance hence you'd go for GTX660Ti,The GPU like GTX660Ti won't bottleneck in any way.I think you shouldn't look too much into performance ratio between two GPU's cause eventually you're going to spend 20k and you have only few choices.
About the Radeon GPU rejection,Even if you've used Nvidia GPU's before doesn't mean you'd continue with it,You'd look it performance wise.I can understand the CUDA,Physx and 3D gaming part to achieve you'd need to spend hell lot more but HD7970 is far better than GTX660Ti in FXAA,Gaming Performance and overall.Also there are only few games who use Physx technology so judging by that nobody will take GTX660Ti over HD7970,Cheers.Go with any of two GTX660Ti you won't go wrong.
Thanks mate ... will definately look into this. I am also trying to search for comparitive benchmarks between these brands. Trouble is Asus reigns supreme for build quality & performance [likewise if you observe carefully, each and every component of my new RIG was chosen carefully - after assessing "superb build-quality & performance" within a price-factor that I had in mind. I do not want to compromise on these factors ..... My RIG has already crossed 1.10L -with additional HDD's etc & without the GPU].

I do not want the GPU to act as an under performer or bottleneck my RIG. So between Nvidia's GK107; 106 & 104 - which is the best.? The answer too (I guess is GK104) .... however, I have not able to come across any comparitive reviews and benchmarks that prove 104 to be far better than 106 - in Photoshop / After Effects / Maya.... or Gaming performance too. I can live with upto even 10-20 percent difference.

So if the GTX 660 (base edition GK106) under performs the GTX 660 Ti TOP edition by 10-20 percent - it's OK with me, as the price difference is Rs 5000/- However, if the difference is much more & also because of the extra CUDA cores, then I would go for the 660 Ti TOP edition.

Strangely, I have noticed a price difference of almost Rs 2000/- an more between different vendors (and here I am not even thinking of Flipkart - where the prices are ridiculous).

Footnote: Just in case folks are wondering why I am not considering the Radeon - well
1] out of habit (as I've used ONLY Nvidia from the start .... that's nearly 20 years ago or so, if I can remember well)
2] why the GTX 660 Ti is better than Radeon 7970 (for example) - only NVIDIA's video cards offer multi-display 3D gaming, Adaptive VSync, PhysX technology, GPU Boost, FXAA, and now TXAA.

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