The Other Side Of the Coin : Guy tries to chat up girl, ends up in jail!

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The guy simply got what he deserved and unluckily for him a bit more. You don't simply walk up to some random woman you see somewhere and ask her out like the way he did. Maybe that is perfectly normal in other countries, but that is not the case in this country. One should pay attention to the environment and understand it and act accordingly. Not every place is the same. Act like a roman when you are in Rome. There are various cultural, behavioral and other aspects to consider. What he attempted is perfectly qualified to be called harassment in our country. In fact most cases of eve teasing and other sorts of sexual harassment of women starts out with the same sort of behavior. The woman was perfectly justified to be alarmed. He was lucky that he just had to take a slap and spend some time in jail. In some other countries he might have been flogged or even worse.

His entire trauma was simply a result of either ignorance or gross disregard for rules of the environment that he was in. He learned a lesson the hard way that he should not casually approach women for dating as long as he is in this country as he mentioned, he wouldn't be trying that again as long as he is here.
@Lord Nemesis

Going by your "it's our culture" logic, women need to stay at home and never go out. They need to stay at home and take care of it, while men go out and earn.
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its not culture dude ,dont know what world was he living in , that he just goes to a random woman in a hospital and asks her out , and then blames everything else except him
Asking someone out .. doesn't and shouldn't amount to harassment in anyway .. and to justify the rough treatment metted out is just plain ignorant. It reflects really poorly on our society if we are misusing laws that are meant for graver threats .. the lady could have simply replied and corrected the man .. but this whole "teaching someone a lesson" is just plain BS
Exactly it not about culture.

Its about decency. The guy was decent towards the girl. In this holy cultural nation, decency is what required. And also, this culture excuse is getting old when Indians ape everything the west does.

Even the usage of dude :)
This is just bollocks! If it is true the way he explained it, what he got was not deserved. All he did was ask a girl out (Probably his chosen words were wrong about having "fun"). He walked away. He dint persist and took no for an answer.

According to our culture, he should have behaved like a sicko. Not walk away. That's just wrong. Do not respect the girl at all.

I pity the people who find this hilarious.
Its downright ridiculous.

Although i dont agree with the concept of dating (the way they do it in the west ie), but at times if one actually feels like getting acquainted with somebody.. simply asking will lead to this? The morality of everybody involved there seems to have taken a hit in the nether regions..

I blame the police people recruited by the Govt. God knows what level of scrutiny and what kind of scrutiny is followed to get them into the force. People who basically are 'gundas' are handed uniforms and a batch is pasted across their chest and arms which reads: Custodians of the Law.

After corrupt political system.. this is really the last straw we needed.
so you guys are totally cool by going to some office , see a woman and go to her and tell her lets go out and have some fun????
The way he asked was a bit uncouth and prolly shouldnt have done it in the first place (that 'Stop' and fun' part maybe was what got him into all this. Lots of ways to interpret that last word.) But he wasnt being a complete idiot or demeaning.

Girls.. well.. i dunno how much the guys can blame them after what has been happening in the country.. but simply put.. if the lad walked away after being told to do so.. that should have been an indicator.
Lord Nemesis

Going by your "it's our culture" logic, women need to stay at home and never go out. They need to stay at home and take care of it, while men go out and earn.

Where did the question of culture come into the picture? it is simply a question of mindset. Indian women mindset says that it is acceptable to them to work just like men, marry on their own terms etc. but it is not acceptable to them that some random stranger comes to them and propose that they go out and have fun. To them such advances are nothing short of harassment. You either understand and respect it, or you choose to ignore it and pay the consequence for your actions. You cannot simply expect that women should be open to on sight dating advances or take such advances lightly just because they are open to the idea of working outside. Similarly the mindset of society also plays role. You can choose to ignore it all and do whatever you want, but there would be consequences to pay and you may not like them.

I am not even saying that what he did is wrong, just that the consequences he got were simply a result of his actions that did not take into account the mindset of his environment.
so you guys are totally cool by going to some office , see a woman and go to her and tell her lets go out and have some fun????
and if someone does that he's entitled to a beating, humiliation and being put behind bars ..

and whats wrong with the fun part.. if you wanna go out on a date you will do something fun .. not sit around and mope or discuss politics .. it was direct question.
It might be construed as rude or intrusive but the situation just end there .. any verbal exchange should not be grounds for involving the police .. like it or not wasting the police's time over such trivial matter is stupid .. they might as well respond to some girl in real trouble instead have to come down n deal with a non-situation.
I read this last night and saw no replies and thought maybe this guy really doesn't deserve our time or effort.

Firstly, this guy is a jerk. There are no ways about. Whether he deserved it or not is a secondary issue.

This could happen to anyone, your girl, sister, cousin or even your mom. What would be the most natural response (yours) if you were to be told by one of them that some guy just walked up to them and said "lets have fun"?
Would you hand out your credit card, suggest a few good restaurants etc ? Is that what your normal response for this innocent guy would be.

Surely, she had every right to complain of work harassment. She was doing her job. Anything that obstructs it is a cause for complain, especially one that has sexual predilections.

That is the problem as is evident. People take it for granted that girls or women do not and will not complain but suffer in silence. So you might as well "try your luck". And suddenly when someone complains, whoa! that's exaggeration.
Culture police rampant even in TE, no wonder rapes and all other horrible crimes happen without much notice as the white knights are busy elsewhere.

Just a few weeks ago there was this great debate of woman's "equality", but people want to restrict them to this, an object which is to be only married away and never treated as an equal. If you demand equality, don't you think you just accept equality in all terms, not just where you feel it will benefit you? That would amount to superiority, not equality.

This guy had an utter failure approaching the woman and asking her out, maybe he was very direct, or even rude. And moreover she was married. His luck was bad and he could be embarrassed about it. But does that mean he should be beaten up, jailed and carry a sexual offender tag for the rest of his life? Hell no, that's a violation of many human rights. I don't know whether the woman lied about molestation and being manhandled, but if there is truth to that in the case, I side with the woman. But if not, the guy did no wrong.
@Sarath_ What did the woman suffer here? That guy approached with decency and asked her, not forcibly do anything. A negative response would've made matters clear, or just walking away. She would've been shocked to see her being asked out, that's it, she's an adult. No harm done, no boundaries crosses, civilised.

If you try to build that woman are "this and that" and are to be treated "this way and that way", then guess what, it will amount to harassment in other situations too.
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Damm he got rap*d by that girl for no reason :scared14:

This will surely let-down many youngster who might be planning to approach some girl :(

I see lots of comments from both side, can we have poll, who's on the side of guy and who's on the side of women :unsure:
There are two versions in this topic.

Supporting the girl is ==> The boy should not have used the word FUN. That word is the main cause i think. She took it the other way and it all created the trouble.
Supporting the guy is ==> He just asked normally and walked away with the negative response decently. He didn't do anything wrong.

So a poll cannot justify this i think. Because it depends on how they personally took it.
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