Does Harry Potter countwow thats great... I loved them am sure you will love it if you invest the time
have you read any other series previously?
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Could not help but order the game of thrones box set from Flipkart @50% discounttoday. Haven't read a single book nor watched the series. Hope the gamble pays off.
You'll be hooked for months, though the story is presented in such a way that you must really invest your imagination and concentration initially.Could not help but order the game of thrones box set from Flipkart @50% discounttoday. Haven't read a single book nor watched the series. Hope the gamble pays off.
There are 5 books published as of yet out of the planned 7. The author (GRRM) is apparently bit by the 'perfectionist bug' and takes a lot of time writing the novels, and hence takes his own time writing the novels. He initially planned it as a trilogy, but the sheer amount of material that he wanted to cover made him to split book one into two and also heavily edit the book two (released as book three). Then the next book was so momentous that he had to split it into two books (Book 4 and 5) and release the story in parts split by the regions they take place in - this pissed off a lot of fans as they had to wait a total of 11 years just to read one complete 'book'. The next book is probably coming by next year's end or maybe early 2015. The final book is planned to be released somewhere in 2019 - GRRM is healthy as of now and and he feels that he won't die before he finishes the series. He has already made up the ending in his head; he needs to only fill in the details in between.Is Game of Thrones a complete book series or is the author still writing. I was avidly reading The Sword of Truth series and was on the 7th book when the author died without finishing the story. He had written 12 or 14 books in that series IIRC but I never got the inclination to continue with that series once I heard the news of his demise. It was a very interesting series and would have loved to see it end. There was a TV series based on it as well - The Legend of The Seeker but that didnt too well either and was cancelled as well.
There are 5 books published as of yet out of the planned 7. The author (GRRM) is apparently bit by the 'perfectionist bug' and takes a lot of time writing the novels, and hence takes his own time writing the novels. He initially planned it as a trilogy, but the sheer amount of material that he wanted to cover made him to split book one into two and also heavily edit the book two (released as book three). Then the next book was so momentous that he had to split it into two books (Book 4 and 5) and release the story in parts split by the regions they take place in - this pissed off a lot of fans as they had to wait a total of 11 years just to read one complete 'book'. The next book is probably coming by next year's end or maybe early 2015. The final book is planned to be released somewhere in 2019 - GRRM is healthy as of now and and he feels that he won't die before he finishes the series. He has already made up the ending in his head; he needs to only fill in the details in between.
I came in late to the party, but can't control my excitement for the next book even though it is years away. I say it is never too late to get in; it is the finest fantasy adventure of our generation you'll ever experience.
I checked this out and the author is apparently still alive. It was the cover artist who died, the author (Terry Goodkind) is doing well and fine. I think you may have got this confused with the Wheel of Time series.Is Game of Thrones a complete book series or is the author still writing. I was avidly reading The Sword of Truth series and was on the 7th book when the author died without finishing the story. He had written 12 or 14 books in that series IIRC but I never got the inclination to continue with that series once I heard the news of his demise. It was a very interesting series and would have loved to see it end. There was a TV series based on it as well - The Legend of The Seeker but that didnt too well either and was cancelled as well.
Now started reading 'Shantaram'.
I think it's not appropriateNot sure if appropriate to ask but anyone has the Accidental Apprentice ebook ?
Compared to loaning a paper book from a friend? Or a video game? Or a movie?I think it's not appropriate
The Krishna Key (present day thriller based on myths/history)I just completed the Siva trilogy. For all its flaws i'm still grateful i read it since it i've become extremely curious about Indian mythology now and want to read up on that.
Any recommended books?