31-40k Cheapest laptop which can run Battlefield 3 and 4

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Boomshakalaka! mastersquall.com
Hi guys,

i am using thinkpad x120e which i will sell it off soon so need new laptop within week
  • What's your Budget? (e.g. >30K, not more than 50K etc.)
Max. 40K
  • What will be your primary usage for the notebook be? (e.g. web surfing/office apps/Casual Gaming)
Office and web surfing but in between BF3 and BF4 game to fresh myself :P from work load
  • What size and weight considerations do you have? (e.g. Do you want a 17" desktop replacement or you want an ultraportable 12" or something in between)
Smallest Size preferred
  • Any brand that you prefer, or any brand that you detest? (e.g some would prefer to stay away from Acer or Dell)
i don't like HP and Toshiba i had bad experience with them other then these two all brands are welcome
  • Any other considerations? (e.g Battery life; Widescreen/non-widescreen; Glossy/Matte screen etc.)
nothing major but if possible good battery backup while using it for office and web surfing
Crazy BF fan eh squall?
Why dont you go to Nehru Place and check around? Esp. those guy selling upstairs (i dont remember the building name) on the opp. side of CHINDIA store?
you can also consider these
i3. 34k. http://www.flipkart.com/lenovo-esse...b_59&ref=a76fd786-a9c0-42ed-a8bb-e5a5e3221dca .
a buyer said
best part is Amd sunpro graphics.. no glitch wen playing battlefield 3..
this laptop is worth for its price...
i5. 38.5k. http://www.flipkart.com/lenovo-esse...=b_2&ref=85384ccb-02b1-497a-81a0-c54220df13a0
btw the Lenovo S510p uses an ultra-portable processor.
Prices should be lower in NP.
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btw the Lenovo S510p uses an ultra-portable processor.
That creates bottleneck in case of i3 but not a big prob in case of i5 as the latter has turbo boost.[DOUBLEPOST=1397048121][/DOUBLEPOST]
Why dont you go to Nehru Place and check around? Esp. those guy selling upstairs (i dont remember the building name) on the opp. side of CHINDIA store?
More info please
lol dude you wont understand if you dont personally go there. :p
And oh CHINDIA is a store run by cost to cost guys (i think). Basically China and India. You know the rest.
Nehru Place is plain irritating if you don't know/ looking for a specific shop. Visited 2 weeks back for laptop, wasted the whole day (except the KFC part, that was good)
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Can't find any review with 4200u with 740M I go for 4200M then I have to spend around 47k
http://www.flipkart.com/lenovo-idea...id=COMDSQT3HNX8CT4A&otracker=browse&pageNum=1[DOUBLEPOST=1397209594][/DOUBLEPOST]Just saw YouTube video of laptop with i54200u + 740M playing bf4 on high setting without any issue and getting good playable fps
Look like I will go ahead with hitesh recommended laptop

Also being U it should give better battery backup when not gaming
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Also being U it should give better battery backup when not gaming
Yeah. Win-win ![DOUBLEPOST=1397250791][/DOUBLEPOST]@OP
That snapdeal s510p doesn't come with accidental warranty so if you want that, buy the lappy locally for 2-3 k more from authorized lenovo store
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