24*7 Download solution

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A Nobody.

So I am looking for a 24*7 router based download solution. Not a fan of keeping the laptops ON all the time. I am in US now. So will be buying from US sites.


1. Less electricity hungry. When I go back to India, I should be able to use the setup there.
2. It should have few USB ports or support a USB Hub. Powered or Un Powered.
3. It should allow a web ui for any torrent client so that I can add files to it.
4. It should allow me to connect any USB hardware to it in NTFS format. So that if required, I can unplug it and plug into my laptops.
5. Since I plan to use seedboxes for the near future, this should support FTP file download.
Right now I use Filezilla in my laptop to get the stuff from my seedbox.
I dont want to use Internal HDD's. As I already have external 4TB portable HDD lying around unused with me
A NAS will always be a more superior solution. Your other option is to get a decent mid range wireless router that supports usb downloading and torrents.
Cheaper stuff - GoFlexHome, since you can do all of the above on stock firmware. 12W of power with internal SATA HDD.
if you setup a rasberry pi once, you get everything you want. there are many guides on how to do it.

only downside is, that its pretty slow, and initial config can be rather confusing the first time around
if you setup a rasberry pi once, you get everything you want. there are many guides on how to do it.

only downside is, that its pretty slow, and initial config can be rather confusing the first time around
He will mostly be using the UI to add thr torrent file. No general usage. In this case slowness does not matter too much I think.
Would suggest to stay away from router based stuff if you want good speeds on LAN.

I get about ~50 MBps on LAN when copying from GFH to desktop. You wont get the same on N13 or other solutions.

So I am looking for a 24*7 router based download solution. Not a fan of keeping the laptops ON all the time. I am in US now. So will be buying from US sites.


1. Less electricity hungry. When I go back to India, I should be able to use the setup there.
2. It should have few USB ports or support a USB Hub. Powered or Un Powered.
3. It should allow a web ui for any torrent client so that I can add files to it.
4. It should allow me to connect any USB hardware to it in NTFS format. So that if required, I can unplug it and plug into my laptops.
5. Since I plan to use seedboxes for the near future, this should support FTP file download.
Right now I use Filezilla in my laptop to get the stuff from my seedbox.

Why don't you get something like Intel NUC. Cheap alternative is Gigabyte Brix which retails close to $122.
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