OC & Modding Build Log : The ++Shad0wKnight++


Hey everyone,

So last night, I took the plunge and ordered the following for my upcoming build, dubbed ++Shad0wKnight++. Once the parts arrive and I post some photos, you'll know why it's called that. For folks who play DotA 1/2, if you're familiar with the Dragon Knight, you'd know what to expect.

Part List:
- Intel i5 4690
- Asus Maximus VII Ranger
- Corsair 750D (picked this over the others since I mostly use 2.5" drives, so I can completely take out the HDD cages and when I get rads in the future, they can go in there easily)
- Corsair RM 750 Modular PSU
- Corsair H100i
- Corsair Vengeance 8x2 1866Mhz
- Red PSU Cable Sleeves
- Black PSU Cable Sleeves

What I already own:
- Corsair Force 120GB SSD x 2
- WD 1TB x 2
- Asus GTX 650 Ti
- 120mm x 2 Case Fans
- 200mm x 1 Case Fan
- 140 x 1 Case Fan
- Apple Cinema Display 24"

My parts arrive sometime tomorrow, most of them from a single dealer, although PSU Cable Sleeves are coming from the US. Hopefully all lines up and comes in within the week, so over the weekend, I can finish things off.

Note to the Forum Mods: I really wasn't sure which category was the right one to post this. If this is not a suitable category, please move it to the correct one, so more users are encouraged to share their build logs with us. Thank you.
Update #1

I'd asked a colleague to get/find/make a temperature module for me last week. He just got it in. I connected it to a 4-pin MOLEX and off we go!


Works well, except for the fact that it shows temperatures 4ºC more than it actually is. I'll have to mentally remember that every time I take a look at it.

On a side note: the dealer has confirmed that he has received the Maximus Ranger, H100i and RM 750. The 750D is enroute and will arrive in the evening. Still waiting to hearing back regarding the i5.
Update #2

The parts have started to arrive! Woot.

What I've received so far:
- Asus Maximus VII Ranger (<3 at first sight)
- Intel i5 4690
- Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR 3 1866Mhz
- Corsair RM 750
- Corsair H100i

On it's way:
- Corsair Force 128GB SSD (so I can hook my existing one with this in RAID 0)
- Corsair 750D

Those two should arrive in approx. 90-120mins.

In the mean time, some vanity shots.








[DOUBLEPOST=1406718403][/DOUBLEPOST]Update #2-2

Managing and keeping track of screws, etc can be a PITA. And I happened to finish the last piece from a box of chocolates. It makes for a perfect storage case for these things :cat:

Talk about serendipity.

shaping up to be a really good build, will keep an eye on this thread :)
Btw, the board does have a thermal sensor, see if you can use that as well.
Yes, saw that when the board came in. Will be seeing if the bit display works with that. Finding ASUS's specs for it.
Lovely pics and its very nice to see you went for an all round awesome PC as many people simply blow up a similar budget going for an i7 + 280x and then use value ram, a basic z97 board or some cheap cm psu to fit everything else in. Anyhow, I did notice one discrepancy - are you using a non-k edition processor with a Z97 motherboard? You are aware that you can't overclock a non-k edition processor even if you have a z motherboard, right?
@RD274: yes, I am aware of that. After much thought, I went ahead with this. Once the broadwells are out, I'll get a K CPU. To me, that sounded like a more logical step.
Ah, in that case maybe you should've tried looking for a used i5? Also, what GPU are you considering? Waiting for Maxwell?
I did look for used i5. Only found IvyBridge ones. I have a SandyBridge i5 K version. Nonetheless, no regrets. :)

GPU front: have a 650 Ti Boost OC from ASUS. Waiting for the consumer 8xx to arrive. Tried one of the Reference cards at the Nvidia test center in Pune. They seem to out-mark my current one and the 7xx ones as well. Expected but the difference is too much. So didn't upgrade right now.
Curious to ask this,Why didn't you pick a 900D . That case would have given more scalibility options for WC/LC.
Is the build of 750D good enough,i have never seen it in personal but looks a bit flimsy to me. Esp the transparent side panel . And about the decision to go with 750D over 900D was good. Its available at almost half the price.
Is the build of 750D good enough,i have never seen it in personal but looks a bit flimsy to me. Esp the transparent side panel . And about the decision to go with 750D over 900D was good. Its available at almost half the price.

@Fenix: Absolutely! I had the same suspicions as you do, but I was glad to be proven wrong. After watching the 760T video, I was a bit worried how this one would turn out. But boy o'boy, it's one rock solid case. The side panel flex is between negligible to zero. The way it's fitted in is also pretty neat. You can easily remove it, and use a dark tinted one if you'd prefer (like the 760T). Overall, unless I lift it up, it's very hard to move.

will be looking closely at this one :)[DOUBLEPOST=1406826504][/DOUBLEPOST]ps- let me know if you need help with the OSX install :)

@cyberwarfare All good on that front, mate! Thanks. I'm already running it on my older system. Will let you know if I run into any hiccups when prepping the DSDT given this is a fairly new board.

Thanks, good so far. :grin:
Update #3

The case finally arrived at 8PM today, albeit, with a broken front panel (something very common apparently, with this particular case during shipping. My supplier is sending a replacement tomorrow post-noon). Nonetheless, that wasn't stopping me.

1. This is one rock solid case. Moved both drive bays out, keeping their bases intact and in-place. Moved one drive bay up, attached under the 5.25" bay. (Held using a single screw and socket mount).
2. The Case has this one weird stand-off in the center which tripped me off at first. If you get the 750D, be careful of the rogue lil' bas****. Remove that, use the included extra standoff, and you're good to go!
3. The I/O shield included with the MoBo has a neat padding on the internal face. Nice little touch.
4. The H100i took me the longest to install. (I'll have to remove it again once the SP120 fans arrive next week, ARGH!).
5. Cable management was a breeze.
6. Pending: GPU and SSDs, both which are currently on my system (which I'm using to compose this :tongueclosed:)
7. No other build log, guide or their likes will tell you this: Cleaning up after yourself after a good build run it probably the worst experience. It'll make you question all your life's decisions, good and bad. Naah just kidding; you're tired as f*** and have no energy left to do any of the cleaning. If you do, PM me whatever it is you're on :wink::laughing:

Now, for some vanity shots!

As you can see, the matte paint is pretty darn terrific!


The drive bays fit neatly under the 5.25" bays.

Nice touch on the I/O shield. Wasn't expecting it!

The CPU cleaned up from the thermal paste residue from it's stock cooler (bleh!), and the RAM DIMMs installed.



In goes the H100i. What a bi*** this one was to install. The pipes just wouldn't turn. Still not happy with it's position. Will fix it up when I remove it to install the 2 other fans!


Huzzah! Cable management time. I did pretty good IMO for my first time with a case that has proper space and routing mechanisms for cable management, wouldn't you agree? If not, what can I do better?


Misc. Shots:



Now, for the joke Asus will play on you when you buy this board: WHITE FU**ING SATA HEADERS. This has got to be some cosmic level joke on us (me, in this case). I'm looking for alt. ones.


That's it for now! When I wake up, I shall get the GPU in there, as well as the SSDs, boot things up, and get stuff running. Until then folks! Cheers.
So are you upgrading the GPU or going to use the old one ? Yeah,Asus went too bold with the RED - BLACK MARRIAGE . All Black would have made it damn sexy . Just upload the side profile with and without the sidepanel.