Game collection discussion (Physical copies only).

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I had vita but sold it to a friend few days back. My suggestion don't go for vita. The memory card thing is really bad.
I had vita but sold it to a friend few days back. My suggestion don't go for vita. The memory card thing is really bad.

I bought a 64 GB memcard and I am sure it is not working right. I paid a mind boggling 8k for it. I am thinking of getting the memcard from @ganesh_2218 but have been very busy to even turn on the Vita and check.
This is completely OT but Sony is really a retard - Proprietary memcard.
Last year my ps3 slim died. If you select all your saves then not all save games get selected and you've to do them individually. Whether you want to do it on psn+ or usb. The ps3 barely stayed on and I have nearly 190+ physical games and God knows how many digitally (inclusive of psn+ and digitally bought). Also my psx+ and ps2 saves were gone.

And the HDD (1tb) had to be formatted and used in the new superslim. Pop in the game (GT6/GTA 5) and wait for hours for it to patch or install.

Upgraded PC recently and have barely touched anything else in a while. I am not slamming consoles it's just that I went to status zero thanks to Sony's stupidity.
This game's price increased a lot If I am not wrong. Not available in steam but available in GOG.

After GTA Vice City I was sort of on a mission to play all sandbox games and ran into this one - Max Payne + GTA + John Woo you say... What killed this game for me was the constant loading.
Turn a corner - Loading...
Drive straight - Loading...
Cross a signal - Loading...
Jump a ramp - Loading...

It isn't a great game but Indian pricing is just stupid.

2 games that I am really looking for are - Oni and Mafia (The first game). Both games though primitive by today's standards are epic classics in my opinion.
I think Mafia is hard to get now. I had the game but sold it to a friend at a cheaper rate back then.
Finally got my hands on the best RTS game ever made...
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Been a while since I posted. A few reposts like Final Fantasy Tactics, 3 etc but decided to post as part of my Final Fantasy Collection.


A bit of info on the games.

The Spin Offs -
Final Fantasy Tactics - The War of Three Lions is a difficult find. A SRPG game similar to Disgaea series.

Crisis Core : Final Fantasy 7. Not a difficult find. Prequel to the main game.

The main series -
Final Fantasy 1 & 2 were released a number of times. The original ones were released on nes and second one only on Famicom (Japanese NES). The game was later released together as part of origins on psx. The games' sprites were updated, CGI cutscenes added etc. They were again reworked on and a lot of stuff improved and released on GBA as Final Fantasy I & II : Dawn of Souls. The PSP version is the exact same version with sharper sprites and CGI cutscenes from the psx version. Funny considering the capacity of UMD and the Cartridge of GBA they were sold as 2 games. The amount of cgi cutscenes is not that huge.

Final Fantasy 3 - This game was never released outside Japan till it was remade for the DS. The DS version is the only physical version sold outside Japan. The PSP version seen in the picture is Japan only release. The box art and manual is in Japanese but the game runs in English on PSP. The same version was also released for mobiles.

Final Fantasy 4 - Originally released outside Japan as Final Fantasy 2. The psp version is a combined version of multiple versions of the game. The main game seen in this version is from the GBA remade version, the intro is from the DS version and the sequel is the combined version of episodic mobile releases. The main game and the sequel has the classic sprite style and not the isometric 3d style of ds.

Final Fantasy 5 & 6 - Thanks to @Arun.P for getting these games for me. 5 & 6 are both great games but the psx version is not the version to get. They are both snes games. 5 was not released outside Japan till it was released alongside 6 as part of anthology on psx. That is the version you see in the pic. 6 was released as 3 outside Japan at the time. The psx version is plagued with issues like long load times. Some of the those issues were fixed in digital version of the game on PSN store. But the definitive versions are the ones released on GBA. The translation, balancing issues etc were fixed on it. The reason I didn't go them is simple. GBA games are easy to fake and most of them sold are cartridge only. Without boxart and manual I don't see a point in buying a game, might as well get the digital version in such a case. So I went for the psx version.

Final Fantasy X & X-2. The remaster was released on PS3, Ps4 and the Vita. I originally bought the Vita version. Pictured below. This is a flawed version because you only get Final Fantasy X on cart. You get a code to download the second game (X-2). In Japan X-2 was also sold separately as a physical copy but not anywhere else. So if you plan to buy the Vita version buy a new copy because if the code is used you only get 1 game. Another thing to note is the downloaded game when backed up does not restore properly. So if you do want to buy a copy don't get the Vita version. On PS3 and PS4 version you get both parts on disc.


Final Fantasy XIII trilogy. Thanks to @Udit for selling them to me. Not the best of the main series but...

A few extra goodies I got with Final Fantasy 4 -



Note - @Arun.P has helped with a few more games. Will post them soon. Stay tuned till then.
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Never liked final fantasy that much the only final fantasy Game I completed was final fantasy X (the remake one). Found it okay. Actually I don't like those overdone Japanese cliched actions.
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@uber @dottedindian - Fair enough. The thing about Final Fantasy series is - Each one is a self contained Tale (Apart from IV, VII, X, XII & XIII that have sequels but part of the same number).

I am not a fan of XIII and VIII but love the medieval settings and classic sprites so I like the older titles more except 2.

The problem with some Final Fantasy is the complicated plots (Especially the recent ones). I would recommend that you give it a try especially the old ones that were remade for the GBA like IV, V & VI. Don't skip on VII and IX if you can.

Skip it if you are not into JRPGs because these games are not like Western RPGs.
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Here we go guys Chrono Series and my limited Edition DS Lite (Nintendo Ds Lite Dialga Palkia Limited Edition).

Chrono Trigger and it's sequel Chrono Cross.

Chrono Trigger originally came out on the SNES and is still considered one of the best JRPGs to date. If you think the characters in the game look familiar then they are because they were designed by Akira Toriyama the same guy who made Dragon Ball series alongwith the guys responsible for Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest series. Square Enix called them their dream team. As you can see I am only 8 hours and 45 minutes in but loving it.

Chrono Cross a great game in it's own right but is compared to Chrono Trigger. I have barely played it so can't comment on it. The disc like the Final Fantasy Anthology discs don't run on my PS3 since it is a NTSC game so I have to play it on an emulator. Will continue playing it after Trigger,

Chrono Break - This game is going to be the sequel to Cross but it has still not been created and there has hardly been any update on it since 2001 but if it is ever made and if it is as good as Trigger then I will definitely update this post.

A special thanks to @Arun.P for getting both games along with Final Fantasy Anthology from US.

Chrono 1.jpg

Chrono 2.jpg

@Rickyk - Buddy your post #26 is the best post for PC games. I was just looking and realized a lot of games that I am looking for on PC are owned by you - Crimson Skies, Heavy Gear 2, Freespace, NOLF, Mafia etc., I really hope you are from Mumbai and that I can come over and play them some time. Hope you have a PC with Windows 98 SE to play some of these games on. Kudos.
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