Storage Solutions HDD Caution Health Status - Help Needed

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Hello folks,

I have this old Seagate BarraCuda (ST31000524AS) 1TB HDD that is throwing up a 'Caution' Health Status on CrystalDiskInfo. I wanted to know how bad this is?

This is the entire screen capture of CDI for this drive:


The 'Reallocated Sectors Count' has been stuck at 90 and has not increased over the last month of use. I was wondering if I could just use the drive as just a mere Torrent download disk from which files will be transferred routinely to my main storage server at home, post download completion.

If the current pending sectors & uncorrectable sectors count increase then the hdd is gone. It's only a matter of time till it dies. If you have unlimited data and can re download the lost data again you can use it for downloading.
What you should do is this

Find the bad sectors on the HDD

Partition off the sectors with 10% extra sectors on either side. Repeat till all bad sectors are partitioned off. Use the biggest partitions for downloads.

I used this, and could use a damaged HDD for more than 2 years 24x7

However, if the HDD damage is due to physical damage, this will not work.
If the current pending sectors & uncorrectable sectors count increase then the hdd is gone. It's only a matter of time till it dies. If you have unlimited data and can re download the lost data again you can use it for downloading.

Yes, have unlimited data and my practice is to siphon off and copy off the the drive as and when the downloads complete. That way the data is always backed up on my storage server at home.

The current pending sectors & uncorrectable sectors count is still clocked at 89 respectively. No increase.
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