Game collection discussion (Physical copies only).

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Got this.

The first cod game by treyarch for 7th gen consoles. It was a launch title. Though it was released for ps2 & xbox too. The only major title in cod (numerical) series which was not released for PC. A port was planned but was canceled. A new copy from amazon & ebay (only available there) costs near 10k! However strangely cex has some copies you can get.
Seal packed copy of MAFIA (US EDITION) arrived with me a couple of days ago. Let me know if you want to do the swap for the hard disk. :)

Happy New Year guys...
Seal packed copy of MAFIA (US EDITION) arrived with me a couple of days ago. Let me know if you want to do the swap for the hard disk. :)

Happy New Year guys...

The swap was not really needed but a resounding YES.

Can you post a few pics of it?
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Can do better than that. PM me your address. I will courier it to you. Its seal packed. You can open it, verify its okay and if you're satisfied, you can ship me the drive, :)
Can do better than that. PM me your address. I will courier it to you. Its seal packed. You can open it, verify its okay and if you're satisfied, you can ship me the drive, :)

PM me your address so that I can send you the HDD. I will be content knowing the fact that it is being used in a retro machine and old school classics are being played on it the way they were meant to instead of via VM. The original message -

It lives



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Formatted the first drive. I had GITS series on it.

@Rickyk - Thanks for the offer. I am really a bit torn about it. On one hand I would love it and on the other hand that was not why I was giving away the HDD. @vyral_143 can confirm how much I hate Seagate now but this trooper I got as a replacement for the Internal Samsung I had in my PCS PC back in 2004 still refuses to die. I had got that casing to make it an external HDD but barely used it because a) I had 2.5 inch hdds with 1TB/2TB capacity and b) 40 (38) GB is barely anything these days (No disrespect to this HDD which was in my system till 2009).

I thought I would build a retro pc some day and will put this to use but @vivek.krishnan beat some sense into me as it is impossible to find old pc parts that will not conk off the next day and @dottedindian too pitched in about drivers being a nightmare on 98.

So I will try and send this HDD as soon as possible to you just do me one favor. Let the first game to be played on this HDD be Crimson Skies. Give the HDD a good home (rig) mate.

@quan chi - Sorry man will post pics of Yakuza and MGS tomorrow for sure. Kinda caught up setting up my new Laptop. BTW you can have the IDE contraption I am using in the pic.

Inclusion of Mafia is like an added bonus :hearteyes:
I would prefer it the other way around Prabs - meaning I will ship the game to you first. :)

You will have to give me some time though as I currently have some guests staying with me (one of whom carried the game for you) and will only be free sometime next week to courier the game to you.
What is all this Pehle aap, Pehle aap. Escrow both items to me, totally won't abscond.

Also for running old games and OS's, check out PCem. Better than VM's as this emulates the actual hardware itself; old processors and gpus etc.
Supports all OS's uptil XP SP3 and even stuff like Voodoo SLI.
@Rickyk - Thanks for Mafia mate. It was really nice talking to you.

Pics of it -








Mafia is one of the few games that I have completed more than once. The only other games I can think of are Double Dragon 2 (lost count) and Freedom Fighters (2). When the game came out on GoG I had to get it and play it a third time. Finding a physical copy was pretty difficult and I can't believe how I lucked into owning it thanks to you.

Now for a follow up to -

Thanks to @vyral_143 for accidentally bumping into this title and getting it for me.

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The game was released only as an Asian release and is a compilation of
Sengoku Basara
Sengoku Basara 2
Sengoku Basara 2 : Heroes

The game can be best described as a capcom developer who was drunk was asked to make a game on Samurais. He played a bit of Dynasty Warriors, Watched Chuck Norris movies and then remembered he had to make a game on Samurais so he watched Gintama. The games are a direct result of that drunk developer.

Sure it is a button masher and repetitive and in Japanese and I don't know what I am doing in it. In fact the menu itself was a killer but when I got around that and started playing the games. It was hilarious, over the top and the characters speaking engrish in edo era had me in splits.

What I really loved about the collection is the amount of work they put in it. The graphics in 2 and 2:Heroes were actually better than some of the PS3 launch games. There is a menu to select the 3 games, has extras and an overall intro to the 3 games in it. You then go into the 3 games and they had their own original intros that was remastered and the menu in each game was modified so that the user can escape to the collection main menu by pressing the triangle button without quitting the the entire thing using the PS button and launching the game again.

This is where I began hating Capcom because they should have implemented this in DMC HD Collection, added extras like they did in this game. They should have just translated the menus and added subtitles and released the collection in the west. No change in voice acting because it is the cheesy one liners in Engrish that make this game even more fun.

Capcom should have promoted this game. Unlike Dynasty Warriors it is more colorful and light hearted.

Thanks to @quan chi for giving me a price update on this game and telling me about the others in the series.


Sengoku Basara Heroes is Sengoku Basara 3 and is the only game in my collection that is in english but they went a bit too far by not including Japanese audio. The dub is serviceable but lacks the energy the Japanese audio has. Not to mention playing the protagonist in this game simply uses fists and is boring like a dry toast. With that character the repetitive game felt even more repetitive because I honestly wasn't enjoying punching people.

Sengoku Basara 4 is completely in Japanese and thanks to that the fantastic energy is back but one thing that I noted in both 3 and 4 is they have sort of toned down the silliness which made the PS2 games way better.

@dottedindian - A bit of a trivia. The game you play Dynasty Wars by Capcom has the same source as Dynasty Warriors by Koei - Romance of the Three Kingdoms a novel on Chinese warring factions. Where as Sengoku Basara which has gameplay similar to Dynasty Warriors is based on Sengoku era which had warring factions in Japan. Koei has a series for Sengoku era as well called Samurai Warriors.

All this thanks to @vyral_143 accidentally bumping into the series.
I do follow Metal Jesus Rocks. The guy has an amazing collection and his friends too have amazing collections like the girl who runs a videogame store having the entire Xbox collection and another friend having the entire ngage collection
Hi all! I'm new to this site but I'm a regular at IVG under the same username. I collect mostly Nintendo games and consoles and have acquired a nice collection over the past few years. I'll slowly post pics of everything if you guys are interested. Most gamers in India are into Playstation and Xbox I guess :D

I'll start by posting pics of a mod that I made a couple of days ago. It's a backlit Gameboy Advance! I'm totally stoked to have done this successfully :D It'll replace the GBA SP I was using till now. That hurt my hands after using it a little bit. This should be much better.


How the GBA screen looks originally (pic from Google). No backlight and is visible only with external light.

Gathered the required parts

Completely disassambled both consoles

Testing the screen

Some plastic has to be removed from the shell to make room for the replacement screen

After removing the plastic

New screen fits perfectly

All done!
Hi all! I'm new to this site but I'm a regular at IVG under the same username. I collect mostly Nintendo games and consoles and have acquired a nice collection over the past few years. I'll slowly post pics of everything if you guys are interested. Most gamers in India are into Playstation and Xbox I guess :D

I'll start by posting pics of a mod that I made a couple of days ago. It's a backlit Gameboy Advance! I'm totally stoked to have done this successfully :D It'll replace the GBA SP I was using till now. That hurt my hands after using it a little bit. This should be much better.


How the GBA screen looks originally (pic from Google). No backlight and is visible only with external light.

Gathered the required parts

Completely disassambled both consoles

Testing the screen

Some plastic has to be removed from the shell to make room for the replacement screen

After removing the plastic

New screen fits perfectly

All done!

Ah @bowser my arch nemesis you finally decided to show up here. Every time I defeat you a Toad tells me that the princess is in another castle... Close your eyes and stand still so that I can eat a mushroom and jump on your head.
I love physical copies of games for the same reasons. I absolutely hate the fact that they removed the physical manuals in Vita games boxes.

I had to go through a lot of hooplas just to get a copy of GTA 3 manual. I even emailed Rockstar regarding it and then finally had to buy the entire 3d era collection to just get the manual.

The physical copies of certain games that I have feel as if they're pirated. It is why I stay away from physical copies of PC games now.

Guys keep posting. I am loving this stuff.

Btw here's something -


I didn't have a pc or afford games so when I found these copies from Raddiwalas I picked them up and read them. That's all I could do. Sadly who ever owned the Game Force magazine was a real jerk. The beautiful artwork of Oni is ruined.


This is the Indiana Jones game I think - Indiana Jones and the infernal machine. Funny the article has a then and now comparing the game to it's Atari Counterpart. What if we compared this to Uncharted 4.


I so wanted to play superbike 2000 after reading this article over and over and seeing the then photorealistic screenshots. I bought a pc but couldn't find it but found superbike 2001.

Behold the first PC game I ever bought.

My favorite bike game to this day. If I had a ps2 and tourist trophy on it may be I would've a different opinion but since I didn't this rocks.

Here are another 2 -



Oni is a game made by Bungie before they were developing exclusively for Microsoft for a few years. We got Halo out of that deal but sadly no sequel to this after that and Destiny after that. Amazing Hand to hand combat and an okay third person shooter with a good Sci Fi story and anime cutscenes. What more could you ask for?

Rune too was an amazing game for it's time but I got bored and I was playing that after SoF2: Double Helix so sight play much.

Sadly I couldn't get the actual boxes and back when I bought them I was not into collecting. I saw the actual Rune box in a recent LGR review and it is amazing. That reminds me if you guys like old PC games then LGR is worth checking out. Like MJR he too has a large collection but mainly reviews old PC games.

I posted the quoted message nearly a year back.

I have wanted to own a proper copy of Oni for a long time. The PC games that were sold in stores in India were as good as counterfeits. No goodies, no manuals, no nothing... The copy in the earlier post allowed me to play the game but never gave the feeling of owning it in the true sense because anyone could argue that it's not an original and truth be told even I don't think it is.

I bought a PS2 earlier in the year (I know a PS2 in 2018 but it is an amazing console in it's own right). A seller on eBay was selling a copy of Oni long back but that listing disappeared by the time I got a PS2. The reason I was targeting a PS2 copy was to ensure that I get the box art, manual and the disc.

Thanks to @Vagabond I finally have a proper copy of it. Getting it wasn't easy as it was not locally available and he had to source it all the way through his friend who visited Netherlands last month. So a huge thank you to him.


The game was heavily inspired by the manga/anime Ghost In the Shell and you can see it in the box art it self. Just that the binaries are in blue on white background instead of green on black background.

I was really into beat em ups when I found out about this game and the amount of options it offered at the time were amazing. A beat em up and a third person shooter combined into one. The combat section was diverse as well and not stiff and limited like Fighting Force which awkwardly was a spiritual successor to Streets of Rage series.

So... a huge thanks again to @Vagabond for this.

Thanks to him I can answer another thing

Tourist Trophy


I tried Tourist Trophy and I have to say that I like Superbike 2001 better and no it is not the nostalgia. Polyphony Digital might be behind TT but Milestone made SBK 2001. TT just feels like Gran Turismo with bikes - grind till you get enough credits to own the bikes you like in your garage which feels drab and dreary. SBK with it's championship feels like a game with objective and more fleshed.

These 2 are not the only games he got me from there. I will post the others along with the ones I have collected over the last few months next week, so stay tuned.
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Reactions: Vagabond
Favorite genre and games : Souls games.
Only games I found worthwhile this generation.

And all time favourite was god of war, didn't like the latest one much.

So collected these two over the years.


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Bumping this thread up after 2 years. Interested to see what all/ if people still collect physical games (any platform) in 2023.
Odd coincidence that I received a game that I really want to rave about yesterday. Will post it in a while
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