Now got the below email, so much hassle even after upload on E documents. Why physical copy need to be couriered

Dear Customer,
Thank you for shipping with FedEx.
This is to confirm that we have received the soft copies of the required Know Your Customer and other documents, for your FedEx shipment under Air Waybill number xx , and we have updated it on the FedEx systems.
To comply with the Customs’ regulation and complete this submission, please send the physical/hard copy of the submitted documents duly signed and stamped by the authorized signatory to the below address:
KYC Team
FedEx Express Transportation & Supply Chain Services (India) Private Limited,
Room no. 14, 1st Floor, EICI Building, Courier Terminal
IGI Airport New Delhi: 110037
Please send us the Domestic Air Waybill (AWB) details after you have dispatched the Know Your Customer and other documents. We will confirm the receipt of the same and close this submission. FedEx may need to archive the physical documents of your shipment, and retrieve it for future shipping requirements.
To track the status of your shipment, please visit our website .
We thank you for your valued support, time and patronage.
Warm regards,
FedEx Express Transportation and Supply Chain Services (India) Private Limited