Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals ... must read

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“Even under pressure, I will not use my medical knowledge for practices that are against humanity.”
The current measures force us to act against this oath.

Survey studies on influenza vaccinations show that in 10 years we have only succeeded three times in developing a vaccine with an efficiency rate of more than 50%. Vaccinating our elderly appears to be inefficient. Over 75 years of age, the efficacy is almost non-existent.
Due to the continuous natural mutation of viruses, as we also see every year in the case of the influenza virus, a vaccine is at most a temporary solution, which requires new vaccines each time afterwards. An untested vaccine, which is implemented by emergency procedure and for which the manufacturers have already obtained legal immunity from possible harm, raises serious questions. We do not wish to use our patients as guinea pigs.
On a global scale, 700 000 cases of damage or death are expected as a result of the vaccine.
If 95% of people experience Covid-19 virtually symptom-free, the risk of exposure to an untested vaccine is irresponsible.

Finally some one not parroting the official line.
What does "Medical Doctors" mean? Are they differentiating themselves from "Philosophy" Doctors and/or "Witch" Doctors? Maybe its just me but it just seems very odd to read "Medical Doctor"... "Wood Carpenter", "Iron Blacksmith", "Gold Goldsmith", "Legal Lawyer", "Knowledge Teacher"! :P

On a serious note, where do I see who has actually written this letter and what are his/her/their credentials?
PhD doctor/ medical doctor. Yes, it's very irritating...I really get embarrassed when people mock me with Dr. Dr. ( my students often do this thing, they call me Dr. dva, dva is 2 in Czech, they can't pronounce my surname, I've stopped printing the MD, MD completely in the letterheads, it's just MPH, PhD, looks much better)
PhD doctor/ medical doctor. Yes, it's very irritating...I really get embarrassed when people mock me with Dr. Dr. ( my students often do this thing, they call me Dr. dva, dva is 2 in Czech, they can't pronounce my surname, I've stopped printing the MD, MD completely in the letterheads, it's just MPH, PhD, looks much better)
I sincerely apologise if you thought i was mocking with the Dr dr earlier. I was just joking, in reality I'm really impressed with how humble and down to earth you are even with all those degrees.
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Hey man!! Chill...I was not offended one bit by your comment brother.
That's good to hear. In fact, i didn't even know that was a thing, i thought i was being very funny and original with my poor joke...
What does "Medical Doctors" mean? Are they differentiating themselves from "Philosophy" Doctors and/or "Witch" Doctors? Maybe its just me but it just seems very odd to read "Medical Doctor"... "Wood Carpenter", "Iron Blacksmith", "Gold Goldsmith", "Legal Lawyer", "Knowledge Teacher"! :p

On a serious note, where do I see who has actually written this letter and what are his/her/their credentials?
Most Western countries will call an allopath doctor a Medical Doctor, many times abbreviated as MD.

I remember working with Doctors Without Borders/MSF many years back, and they used to write MD after my name. I told them at that time that I was only an MBBS, not an MD, and then they explained what MD meant to them. :p

Since western allopath medicine does not dole out advanced masters (in medicine) degrees like we do, and most doctors become specialists not because of their higher degree, but the amount of experience they have in that field, MD is just used to denote every allopath/modern medicine practicing doctor (Indians stress more on the type of specialties like Orthopedician, Peadiatrician etc)
Most Western countries will call an allopath doctor a Medical Doctor, many times abbreviated as MD.

I remember working with Doctors Without Borders/MSF many years back, and they used to write MD after my name. I told them at that time that I was only an MBBS, not an MD, and then they explained what MD meant to them. :p

Since western allopath medicine does not dole out advanced masters (in medicine) degrees like we do, and most doctors become specialists not because of their higher degree, but the amount of experience they have in that field, MD is just used to denote every allopath/modern medicine practicing doctor (Indians stress more on the type of specialties like Orthopedician, Peadiatrician etc)
Oh, you're a doctor??!!

You guys are getting so techy these days ! :p
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On a serious note, where do I see who has actually written this letter and what are his/her/their credentials?
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I will beg to differ on certain points stated in the letter.

The letter VERY HEAVILY PRESUMES that medical care is standardized all over the world, and everybody has safe and effective and cheap access to medicines and hospitals - a major fallacy. In almost all cities are India, RemD is heavily black marketed. A vial, costing 5k is hitting upwards of 50k with pharmacists. We have a high burden of disease owning to both a good percentage of aging population, and a big chunk of younger population having diagnosed and undiagnosed T2DM, Hypertension etc. - and thus at a greater risk of serious infection.

Are they joking when they say that asymptomatic carriers don't spread the virus ? I mean, they must be joking, right ? Similar write up for masks - oxygen deprivation ? WHAT THE **** ? Yes, masks are not easy, but nobody in the general population is wearing masks so tight that they cannot breathe. Heck, most of them are not even wearing a mask even after multiple studies have shown that a simple handkerchief can also stop droplets to some degree. The 3ply surgical mask will not hamper anybody's breathing, even though personally we never use anything except N95, both when going out and when house help come in (they also get their N95s weekly) - everything gets sanitized multiple times in a UV oven.

I have had 2 deaths in the family owning to COVID, and many more within extended family and friend circle. My cousin sister's husband - young chap of 40 years - no diagnosed comorbidity - no addiction of alcohol, smoking etc - had a sudden heart attack one night - back in May or June - and the local hospitals did not attend to him as he had no COVID test done (even when this was an emergency). By the time he was attended to, he collapsed. A post mortem test showed him to be C+.

A known colleague's wife - hardly 34 years of age - was diagnosed with COVID - no other diagnosed issues - passed away in 3 days with no apparent symptoms.

So yeah, I don't believe in whatever shit these guys are peddling. A country with our population and barebones medical service needs swift action, and more measures than most of these European countries with socialized healthcare.
alekhkhanna, being a doctor, what in your opinion is the best course of action for us Indians?
Do you mean apart from maintaining social distance, wearing a mask and performing hand hygiene ? Nothing much tbh.
Avoid closed/crowded areas. Recent studies have shown that closed/non ventilated areas are the major source of spread of infection. Also, super spreaders are more common than we think - so wear a mask even if you go to your gate to pick up a parcel.
If possible, get a UVC machine for sanitizing those masks and other items for resuse (I use an Orient one. Their are Phillips, Borosil and others in the market).
Exercise, try to keep your spirits high - helps with immunity.
Basic stuff, man
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