Health & Fitness Corona is in full swing and its not Joke !

you would know it's all hogwash.

If it was all hogwash why was it used widely for months in hospitals ? It's probably still being used.

As Gilead was looking for a disease for the drug, they jumped on the bangwagon of positive news, hid stuff from regulators, and both regulators and doctors were more than happy to just try anything which can work.

If Gilead is doing it for profits, who's to say what Astrazeneca, Pfizer, Moderna and the rest have in store w.r.t vaccines. Who's to say they aren't hiding stuff from regulators ?
The CEO of Pfizer already dumped 60% of his shares at its peak on good news.
If it was all hogwash why was it used widely for months in hospitals ? It's probably still being used
Because we are out of options, frankly. People want to stick to what they think works, what their anecdotal experience says. But, again, anecdotal experience is not equal to scientific evidence (which says RemD does not work). Believe it or not, doctors tend to rely a lot on anecdotal experience - but that's why you have different levels of evidence when publishing papers - and anecdotal evidences like case reports are right at the bottom - good things to start exploring the idea, but not robust enough to recommend.

If Gilead is doing it for profits, who's to say what Astrazeneca, Pfizer, Moderna and the rest have in store w.r.t vaccines. Who's to say they aren't hiding stuff from regulators ?
The CEO of Pfizer already dumped 60% of his shares at its peak on good news.
Oh, I am a skeptic.
Unless I read the published CTs from all these companies, I doubt I am getting vaccinated. While producing efficacy is possible, safety stays a major challenge - specially long term safety. And these vaccines will be rushed.
We have seen though that any SAEs were notified to the regulators like USFDA in a timely manner, and the trial was halted while data was being researched - so at least it points towards some trials being ethically correct. And to me (I do part of this for a living), this a major green flag, and I would trust the trial team on this.
Still, nothing to comment till the papers get published.
Yea those are unproven allegations, if it were true where are all the relatives of the dead people ? Why isn't anyone protesting ? Maybe they want to keep the narrative going to be utilized for further uncalled for restrictions in other countries.
Most of the deaths happened in the 80-90 year old group, with all these faulty test kits and false positives maybe they died of old age and not covid ?
Just like people on this thread continue to push the narrative about how the government is suppressing the number of cases.
If the cases are high in India and leading to mass hospitalizations where are the images of all the filled ICU's or wards, where are the disgruntled and upset relatives protesting against government inaction ? Is there not a single whistleblower in any hospital or press that'll report about how the govt. is suppressing the numbers ?

Where are all the dead Biharis who attended all those rallies a month ago without wearing masks ?

Number of cases don't equate to number of deaths or hospitalizations, it has a 99% recovery rate and most of those who've tested positive are sitting at home in their pyjamas for 14 days.

Swedish people believed their own bullshit so much so that many effing tattooed Anders Tegnell's face on themselves. They even sold soft toys of Anders Tegnell. They were so up the high horse that nobody can still question their hypocrisy.

> All protestors who have been opposing these illogical restrictions over the past month in European countries are being labelled as such by the mainstream media.

Swedish doctors frustrated with nation's lack of tough Covid-19 measures:

How can a country be this stupid:

Coronavirus: Nobel academy urges Swedish health bosses to recommend face masks

> "Sweden is one of the most liberal countries so I'm not even sure what you're talking about,... "

Covid teaches Sweden that it is not a nation apart

You're basing your entire view on a country by reading a few articles about one or two people's opinions on sites that aren't even Swedish while sitting in India, news nowadays has a tendency to exaggerate any situation and make it appear worse than it already is.
It's almost like those sources are conditioning their local readership (US, British and NZ) to accept restrictions imposed upon them already as of now.

The problem is the so called experts have been so inconsistent over the past 6 months that, they've lost all credibility. They are still struggling to explain themselves after all these mandates and there's still no conclusive evidence masks actually help in reducing infections.
You're basing your entire view on a country by reading a few articles about one or two people's opinions on sites that aren't even Swedish while sitting in India, news nowadays has a tendency to exaggerate any situation and make it appear worse than it already is.
It's almost like those sources are conditioning their local readership (US, British and NZ) to accept restrictions imposed upon them already as of now.

The problem is the so called experts have been so inconsistent over the past 6 months that, they've lost all credibility. They are still struggling to explain themselves after all these mandates and there's still no conclusive evidence masks actually help in reducing infections.
You nailed it. This is why I don't follow much news. Be safe/stay home/game ON ;)
Not sure what @psyph3r wants to say exactly? Maybe I'm dumb & just misread it, but it's almost as if he expected an Ebola sorta outbreak & corona is a damp squib? Just seeking clarification.

Plus, from what I read about Sweden, the citizens didn't really lead 'normal' lives because it seems an advisory there is taken much more seriously. So it can't be seen as being an example, imo.
Because we are out of options, frankly. People want to stick to what they think works, what their anecdotal experience says. But, again, anecdotal experience is not equal to scientific evidence (which says RemD does not work). Believe it or not, doctors tend to rely a lot on anecdotal experience - but that's why you have different levels of evidence when publishing papers - and anecdotal evidences like case reports are right at the bottom - good things to start exploring the idea, but not robust enough to recommend.

From today's update:

Sweden Sees No Signs So Far Herd Immunity Is Stopping Virus

In a recent OECD study, Sweden consistently ranked among the hardest hit nations in Europe, as measured by relative Covid mortality and infection rates. It was also the slowest at containing transmission.

Again as on today:

The Public Health Agency of Sweden does not recommend the general use of face masks, as a face mask that itches or slips down below the nose may mean a person is regularly touching their mouth, eyes or nose with their hands, which can increase the risk of the infection spreading.


Was present in India too several decades or centuries back. Though the information is about practices in TN, heard of similar practices in Kerala from lower rungs of society.
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By January the vaccines circus will will be made mandatory but not free.
If you're not traveling and don't opt for vaccine, you will be harassed by some mandatory tests every 2/3 days.
I have no idea about the efficacy of the vaccines, but those will be marketed as magic of modern science and anybody getting sick after vaccination ( from the vaccine itself/ new infection) will be hidden from public view ( they will simply say anybody with h/o vaccination can be RT-PCR positive..)
1) I said earlier too - we are out of options for severe/critical patients
2) RemD is a money spinner for everyone in the supply chain - pharma, distributor, pharmacist, hospital and black marketeer
3) Indian govt will not stop advisory on RemD unless they are questioned and challenged - and maybe then they will show some efficacy with a half assed study which the aam junta will not understand, but will be decoded by the media as 2nd coming of Jesus.

Yeah, that's cynical me.

Free read. Good overview of the healthcare challenges.
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They still need to conduct more tests in India to see how we respond to the vaccine. Based on its efficacy, we can say the vaccine is suitable for mass deployment.
Perhaps what he meant by increased reporting would mean we get to know cases where the vaccine won't work and if possible, work on it so that it can deployed at the earliest.
Read that Oxford is already testing it on Indian volunteers.
But when govt. ask states to be specially prepared for that, doesn't it hint more than unexpected issues ?
Not really. Since vaccine or drug safety cannot be established so quickly (normal trials go on for many years), these reports will help shape what can be expected.
There can be more AEs than other vaccines, or vice versa. We will read more when trials come out, but long term safety can only be gathered after mass deployment. Exceptional times, exceptional measures.
It's good in a way that they're actively trying to track it since it means if there are red flags on the way, the DCGI can halt distribution.

Oh dear.
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