Some cheesy old pop music still works like MAGIC!!

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red dragon

We are stuck in a hotel suite for a long time waiting for some clearance with very little work to do.
We volunteered for some job and it turned into a mess and we both gave up on it.
Last night after dinner were watching some old 80s music videos and talking about our very different childhood.
Suddenly George Michael's Careless whisper started to play..and my wife crancked the volume up and we both stopped talking and listened to the song ( possibly millionth time)
We all know it's a song about cheating and self loathing...but there's something magical about it..we are not into pop music a that much...but this was different...I actually hated the song..but yesterday it sounded and felt different...and given the time of year and what are we seeing in the streets with young people even with their masks on...we a middle aged couple with thousands of worries in back our minds...for once were taken back to our teenage years....very few songs feel like not performed by human beings.... it sounded like we are in full Christmas mode...
Did any music do something strange to you in recent times/ past?
Talking about bollywood, I actually still hear to music which is few yrs old. Latest songs are simply pathetic to my ears wit just the usual rave and nothing new at all. The vocals, sound and music all feels so same, no variations at all.
I dont even know what songs are released nor do I care. I hear them while browsing/switching channels and arrrr! all shit!
I'm not at all old school type of guy but the current trend is shit imo. May be too cool for the current college gen.
As for english songs, I have my customized playlists which has mostly soothing and soft electronica tunes... party songs but at the same time too soothing to my ears!
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Talking about bollywood, I actually still hear to music which is few yrs old. Latest songs are simply pathetic to my ears wit just the usual rave and nothing new at all. The vocals, sound and music all feels so same, no variations at all.
I dont even know what songs are released nor do I care. I hear them while browsing/switching channels and arrrr! all shit!
I'm not at all old school type of guy but the current trend is shit imo. May be too cool for the current college gen.
As for english songs, I have my customized playlists which has mostly soothing and soft electronica tunes... party songs but at the same time too soothing to my ears!

For Bollywood songs, I totally agree with you. I love the older songs (1960-2010). I try to force myself to listen to newer playlists on Spotify and saavn but I have simply been unable to get into the 2010+ music.

Am not that into English songs, just a subset of the most popular ones that actually appeal to me....for some reason the hit rate for English songs and my likability is very low - 1 in 10 hit songs goes in my favorites

Yesterday I was reminded of the Ajnabee Akshay kumar movie and listened to those songs. Very good songs not in the classical sense but peppy and fun
Sadly I don't speak or understand Hindi very well. And don't understand the lyrics at all.
The song I mentioned above is about cheating...yet it has become an anthem for sex...all over the world...almost all the weddings I've attended played this song about cheating!! And everyone dances with their partner....a crazy song...the saxophone intro is cheesy but great..
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I used to listen Careless wisper in late 90s to early 2ks... There are lots of golden songs from that era. Fortunately most of them are not even on YT surprisingly, glad they are sitting on some old cds somewhere in my house and some on some very old hdds. Collection to cherish for another era..
And yeah I'm glad and lucky to belong to that era... Todays songs nowhere stand to them and within a years time you wont even listen to the crap ever again. They become boring in no time!
Current songs are like COVID, once a year or two passes, there is no talking about it and move on with next infections..
Todays youth literally got no choice, it only upto keeping with the current trend. Like even if you dont like one thing you force it on yourself just to fit in that criteria..
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So true, mankind possibly needed a year like this to give a reminder...of what have we done to this planet in the name of progress...
Today we heard another old song on TV...Hallowed be thy name...2 middle aged idiots... jumping on the bed...playing air's been ages we've been to a concert together and did this kind of serious headbanging...2016 was the last felt so damn good!!
I probably didn't even know what Valentine's day was back in late 80s/ early 90s!!
The only thing I knew from early childhood, that I have to study hard and come first in class.
Other than study, I really liked dogs as companion. Had 3/4 Rhodesians as pets, they didn't live in the house, but ate twice in our house.
And in the afternoon all of them walked with me to the small ground we used to play cricket, we used to come back together also.
I didn't have anything, not even a single video game, a proper toy car, nothing..but had many musical instruments in the house ( my father had a band.. possibly the first Indian rock band...the gained some popularity 2 decades after breaking up)
Despite not having anything, all those old memories are very happy ones. My dad was a very disciplined person but he was not strict with his kids. Mom was typical housewife from Kashmir. Hardworking, truthful and honest.
They couldn't buy us expensive gifts, but taught us invaluable life lessons, how happiness come from inside...those seemed totally meaningless at that time..the only gifts I got from anyone were books..storybooks ( initially Bangla, then English) comics!!
Simple people with simple life and even simpler dreams!!
My wife grew in affluence, serious money...she had been to US at the age of 9, I read about US in books at that age, saw in globe and thought one day I will go there ( in my mind I thought it snowed all the time there)
Isn't it strange 2 such people with nothing in common cross path, at the worst point of their lives , real rock bottom ( Len lost a child..a stillborn...blamed by her then partner..a total wreck, me with a perfect family suddenly received a lawyer notice of legal separation with no custody of the kid..another suicidal wreck)
Became friends, then the most trusted friend, then most trusted friend with benefits...she got pregnant... marriage...nobody thought it would last beyond few months...but here we are after 5 years...with a stronger and strange bond. My low self esteem often tells me, she is way out of league,but she also confessed that I am too bright for her...she seriously thought I would change stream and enter statistics/ mathematics full time ( yes, thought about it, MIT actually accepted me for some cross over course) Thank God I declined.
We are far from perfect, but our bond is really strong. We are lucky people.
Sorry for this boring post...but these are the things ( childhood) we were discussing and missing our kid A LOT!!
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I probably didn't even know what Valentine's day was back in late 80s/ early 90s!!
In current gen, Vday is known mostly for hooking into a girl/guy and have sex either at some cheap budget oyo hotel or at a popular destination :tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy: or the best day to lose virginity with that cruel intention selfish one night stand-off guy..
Its coz of these very reasons parents are scared to let out their grown ups for partying etc.
If I sound so straight forward its not my fault as its the reality of todays youth culture..
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Students don't sleep around with classmates/ juniors/ seniors in colleges anymore!!?? It was normal in my college days. Even an idiot like me got laid in medical school..many times!! And I was not the cool guy type.
In current gen, Vday is known mostly for hooking into a girl/guy and have sex either at some cheap budget oyo hotel or at a popular destination :tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy: or the best day to lose virginity with that cruel intention selfish one night stand-off guy..
Its coz of these very reasons parents are scared to let out their grown ups for partying etc.
If I sound so straight forward its not my fault as its the reality of todays youth culture..
I seriously doubt youngsters of today need to wait for a special day to hook up. I seriously doubt even youngsters of 10-15 years ago (our age) needed to wait for a special day to hook up either.
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