Where to find microswitches for mice?

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I recently built a computer after a long time and realized the mouse I've been using isn't really suitable for FPS games. After going through my box of old electronics, I found my old Razer Deathadder from ~2013 and my Naga from ~2017, both of which I stopped using because they had started registering extra clicks on the left/right mouse buttons. I did some research on the net and found it's actually quite simple to replace the microswitches and fix that problem, but the only place I can find microswitches to buy online is Amazon and they're crazy overpriced (2000 bucks!). Anyone know where you can buy Omron microswitches online? I saw that they're available on DigiKey/Mouser, but those are shipping out of China and I've been told getting stuff from China is almost impossible right now.
I recently built a computer after a long time and realized the mouse I've been using isn't really suitable for FPS games. After going through my box of old electronics, I found my old Razer Deathadder from ~2013 and my Naga from ~2017, both of which I stopped using because they had started registering extra clicks on the left/right mouse buttons. I did some research on the net and found it's actually quite simple to replace the microswitches and fix that problem, but the only place I can find microswitches to buy online is Amazon and they're crazy overpriced (2000 bucks!). Anyone know where you can buy Omron microswitches online? I saw that they're available on DigiKey/Mouser, but those are shipping out of China and I've been told getting stuff from China is almost impossible right now.
Are these soldered to the board? If so, you may face issues removing them as sometimes they tend to pull the copper track along with them. Before you remove them, try to open them up using an utility knife, liberally spray some wd40 or similar contact cleaner and press on them 10-20 times or so. I found my m65 rgb restored to original responsiveness recently with this approach.

A video on a similar topic:
Are these soldered to the board? If so, you may face issues removing them as sometimes they tend to pull the copper track along with them. Before you remove them, try to open them up using an utility knife, liberally spray some wd40 or similar contact cleaner and press on them 10-20 times or so. I found my m65 rgb restored to original responsiveness recently with this approach.

A video on a similar topic:
I think they are. I was hoping I could desolder them cleanly, thanks for the warning. I'll definitely try fixing the existing switches, I didn't think that'd be possible.
Do update if you try it, I have a deathadder too that feels like double clicking sometimes.
Will post with the results as soon as I do it
What a perfect timing for this topic! Same thing happened with my Logi G102. I bought the Corsair Harpoon mouse later found out I don't like it much so thought of getting another logi mouse. Before discarding the old logi I just dipped it in hot water for a few minutes, blow dried it and kept it under direct sun turned up side down for a day and it fixed the issue.
Today I am planning to do the same on the same logi and the dual click problem is happening again. Since your old ones are lying dead you can try that too maybe just one of it can be tested.
Will keep this thread posted as this issue is very common.
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General note asbout tanotis - They import them from USA then send them to you, so get ready for a 2-3 week delay after ordering to delivery. You will not be charged any customs etc on top of the price quoted though.
Great thx.
awesome thread.
I had recently fixed a rarely working middle click button with a small drop of machine oil in the microswitch.
Disclaimer: I don't know enough to recommend this technique. Just something to try if all else fails.
@Rockfella Your technique sounds great. Gonna keep it in mind.
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