Storage Solutions 2tb hdd died, lost 1.5tb data.

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It's a sad day for me. I lost 1.5tb of data. My study materials, my VM's. There was no indication that hdd is gonna die. No bad sectors, health was good.
This is the limit of the hdd.
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It was on cloud only. I thought of keeping a physical copy as cloud price was getting high. Then this happened
Cloud price is bound to go up for sure. IMO it is better to pay for cloud for critical data as compared to pay for mechanical disks now.
Right now I'm thinking of keeping my data in ssd. I guess flash should be much more reliable than the hdd
I enabled storage space in windows 10 using two 2tb drives. Acts like raid mirroring. If one drops dead, data remains in second drive. If both drop dead, same data is on cloud
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Checking on internet it seems these failures are quite common with Seagate drives. Mine 2tb shows only 3gb space
Just was waiting for seagate name... they have earned a good name in failures in past 5-7 yrs. They are more often known for failure for drives above 500gb since then.
Yup.. looking.on the internet.. It seems this issue is quite common.
Study Material :p
In my defence it was actually study material. With VM's and all. Kaash wo wala study material hota. Abhi ro nahi rha hota
you had 1.5gb data in 2tb hard disk?
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