Transferred money to old dormant account

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Hi guys,
Need I had a old ICICI account long time back ( college days) it was tied with BPO I used to work during those days.

I don't remember it got closed or what if I ever applied for it to get closed .

But long story short...I got ICICI Amazon pay card and it somehow showed my old account and I ended up transferring from my hdfc to this dormant account.

What can I do now?
Hi guys,
Need I had a old ICICI account long time back ( college days) it was tied with BPO I used to work during those days.

I don't remember it got closed or what if I ever applied for it to get closed .

But long story short...I got ICICI Amazon pay card and it somehow showed my old account and I ended up transferring from my hdfc to this dormant account.

What can I do now?
Visit The Branch with All of Your Document and if you still have the passbook that is good , Bank will ask you to Submit KYC , as per RBI Guidelines any Dormant or Inoperative Bank Account Cannot be closed without the customers consent . Best of luck
Hi guys,
Need I had a old ICICI account long time back ( college days) it was tied with BPO I used to work during those days.

I don't remember it got closed or what if I ever applied for it to get closed .

But long story short...I got ICICI Amazon pay card and it somehow showed my old account and I ended up transferring from my hdfc to this dormant account.

What can I do now?
Any more details on Amazon pay card?
Do we require ICICI account for same?
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Visit The Branch with All of Your Document and if you still have the passbook that is good , Bank will ask you to Submit KYC , as per RBI Guidelines any Dormant or Inoperative Bank Account Cannot be closed without the customers consent . Best of luck
They will make me run around for my own money....a stupid stupid mistake.
It may also happen the dormant account wont be able to receive funds as well. and such money might get credited back.
It did go through. My dormant account shows amount but i cant use it.
Any more details on Amazon pay card?
Do we require ICICI account for same?
No. that is the thing. this dormant account is very old. I even though it might have closed by now. Never cared about it.
Then got my amazon pay icici card easily with just kyc and this is also many months old.

I somehow ended up transferring money to this dormant account.
it should be auto activated but they will also auto deduct and apply all the charges to reactivate
Not activated yet. I think minimum balance is 10k ...the amount i transferred is about 1500 iirc.

So expecting lot of running around and may even have to get little aggressive....I am travelling right now . Once go to my home town will see how it goes.
I dont wish to reactive because then they will cut all the charges of all these years.
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I just applied it through Amazon when they were inviting people to apply. They still do. Then went through KYC. Someone came to take adhaar card photo and then i got it in a week or 10 days I think.
Can you like to an online article which describes its features?
Can you like to an online article which describes its features?
Features kuch nahi hai yaar.

Just get 5% cash back from Amazon purchases in form of Amazon pay balance and very rarely those 10% off on ICICI cards...sometimes it works sometimes they specifically mention that Amazon brand ICICI card will not work for that extra discount.

It is helpful only for Amazon purchases I have not come across any other good benefits but maybe others can share more on this incase I am missing something.
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IF you go for closure of the a/c kiss goodbye to 1.5k as these might get counted towards closure charges and get debited from this amount and might have to pay some extras too...
Is there no way I can just get my 1.5k.
Will contacting bank ombudsman help?

cant believe banks these days....

little OT- I remember my relationship manager from one of banks calling me and he literally pleaded me to take a small loan. I said I dont want it brother right now. After a while he completely opened up and said Sir we have a target and it will really help me. We spoke for long time and tried to explain him and that he should get a another job....if they are putting so much pressure on him. I know it is not as easy as said but your job is to explain a customer the benefits and which you did perfectly but you cannot force or plead a customer/clients to take a loan when he does not need it.

He was a young guy and coming from that kind of field ...I could understand him.
I tried to do my best to increase his morale but at same time told him do his job sincerely but never plead or beg a customer/clients. It can send a wrong signal.

pathetic how much pressure they put on people. There is better and more human ways to go for targets than just giving them 100 phone numbers and saying- Hey, this is the target for today.
Is there no way I can just get my 1.5k.
Will contacting bank ombudsman help?

cant believe banks these days....

little OT- I remember my relationship manager from one of banks calling me and he literally pleaded me to take a small loan. I said I dont want it brother right now. After a while he completely opened up and said Sir we have a target and it will really help me. We spoke for long time and tried to explain him and that he should get a another job....if they are putting so much pressure on him. I know it is not as easy as said but your job is to explain a customer the benefits and which you did perfectly but you cannot force or plead a customer/clients to take a loan when he does not need it.

He was a young guy and coming from that kind of field ...I could understand him.
I tried to do my best to increase his morale but at same time told him do his job sincerely but never plead or beg a customer/clients. It can send a wrong signal.

pathetic how much pressure they put on people. There is better and more human ways to go for targets than just giving them 100 phone numbers and saying- Hey, this is the target for today.
Sometime back I heard that if your a/c is dormant and if you go for closure, its obvious one has to pay some small closure charges etc. And if there's still some amount in your dormant a/c that same money is used for closure and for the balance a cheque is issued which you can use to deposit to any banks where you hold an a/c. This was few yrs ago I believe.
If now the scenario has changed then o idea.
BTW even I have my Yes bank a/c dormant since 4 yrs now and not getting time to walk-in to the branch and get it closed.
They kept calling me and one fine day I spoke as my brother and said the primary a/c holder has relocated abroad pre-covid and not returning for a longer period and since then no calls/smses.
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