Completed: Metro 2033.
Put Cyberpunk on hold, since I'll start GoW Ragnarok once it unlocks in a few days. Decided to re-play Metro 2033 again for the first time since 2011. Back then I had an ATI Radeon HD 5750. The 4A engine is extremely taxing, even today. With 8x AA and maxed-out settings, it brings my 3080 to sub 70fps every now and then
. Such a brilliant game, even today.
Started: Metro Last Light
Put Cyberpunk on hold, since I'll start GoW Ragnarok once it unlocks in a few days. Decided to re-play Metro 2033 again for the first time since 2011. Back then I had an ATI Radeon HD 5750. The 4A engine is extremely taxing, even today. With 8x AA and maxed-out settings, it brings my 3080 to sub 70fps every now and then

Started: Metro Last Light
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