How you use your Mac is not my business. Defending a stupid design choice saying 'we do not turn off our Macs' is what I am arguing about. A stupid design choice is a stupid design choice, there is no other way around it. I can also say that I have more 'apple products' in my home than I have cups or plates and I am fully invested into Apple ecosystem. Have Apple One plan for entire family for which I am paying a lot every year. Yet, I am calling spade a spade. Just because I do not turn off my MBP does not mean I cope with stupid design choice and support the company.The people who say they use a Mac mini as their main computer — we're saying it's a non-issue. I mean, it's just two people here in this thread, but that's what we feel. I would say @superczar represents a typical mac user more than myself, because I have more systems running than I have plates or cups.
It is what it is. What's worse than a stupid design choice? iSheep supporting it and suggesting to place Mac mini upside down if it is a problem. What is even bigger problem? People doing chest thumping that they never turn their PCs off when not in use. This is pathetic at a whole different level. We turn lights and fans off when we move out of room and here I see people bragging about keeping PC continuously on for decades. If it is due to running some thing on it, it’s okay. But if it is because you just don’t want to turn it off, Sorry to say this, this is bad. Make a habit of keeping it off when not in use. Hope you turn water tap off when not in use. Or do you just keep it running because you can?Defending/copium/iSheep — this is inflammatory language and it's puzzling. The power button could be anywhere, we just don't care because we don't use it?
You should see how this is a problem for some in studios (Mac mini farm vertically placed on racks) where the power is mandatorily turned off every night to save costs. Yes, there was a discussion on reddit and they are looking for some kind of clicker for each or they may have to install everything upside down negating the use of aluminum shell as passive heat spreader.

PS: I really hope brands making PC cabinets take this as a hint and put power button under the cabinet.

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