Documentaries worth Watching ?


Guys, list down the documentaries which are worth watching.
A few of them i can list are

1. Planet Earth
2. Home
3. Mega Factories - Ferrari

Of the above, 1 & 2 i have not seen but from what i have heard they are uber cool (thread on Home already in this section)

Please list more so that we don't miss out on quality stuff

PS: I was looking for documentaries on Mumbai. What all are available ??
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Re: Documentaries worth Watching ???

Plenty worth watching. I'll just list some of them as and when I remember.

1. Blue Planet
2. Dispatches in Terror - doc about the 26/11 Mumbai attacks
3. The Great Indian Railway
4. The Most Dangerous ROads of the World
5. Pushing the limits - about the human body.
Re: Documentaries worth Watching ???

Most of the dispatches documentaries are great.

Also there is a series from UK called The Conspiracy Files , they try to find the balance between govt version and the conspiracy theories.

A 6 part series on Atheism called The Atheism Tapes is also thought provoking.

And the Horizon series has been going on for years now and still shows some interesting episodes.

Pushing the Limits is amazing , I loved it so much I got its HD version to watch it in all its glory.
An Inconvenient Truth
Fahrenheit 9/11
Bowling for Columbine

The last two are by Michael Moore and as such have their detractors but I found them interesting.
1. Super size me
2. Sicko
3. F**k - A Documentary
4. Where in the world is Osama Bin Laden
5. Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son about his Father
6. The Root of all Evil - Richard Dawkins
7. Jesus Camp
8. An Inconvenient Truth
9. Enron: The smartest guys in the room
10. The Entrepreneur [It's new and available for free viewing online]
The Story of India

Ancient Egypt


BBC - Bombay Railway

Discovery Channel - Seven Wonders of Ancient Egypt

Discovery Channel - On the Volcanoes of the World

BBC Himalaya with Michael Palin