Documentaries worth Watching ?

not bad--those documentaries u ppl have listed here!

i've got better ones!!

here goes:-

trinity the story of the atom bomb

bite me with dr.mike

sun tzu's art of war

engineering the impossible


secret societies


bbc-the partition of india

one night in bhopal

siachen a war for ice

imax-operation red flag

isreal's six day war

terrorstorm-a story of government sponsored terrorism

untold stories-bosnia

china vs us the battle for oil

coke vs pepsi-duel of the giants

how bruce lee changed the world

tibet a history of tragedy

history of organized crime

global dimming

six degrees that would change the world

hitler and the occult

hitler's lost plan

hitler's lost city

nazi ufo conspiracy

hitler's stealth fighter

the enigma secret

hitler's war

this is just 10 % of all the documentaries i own!!

2tb of movies-this doesn't include bollywood crap or regional movies

500gb of high def/blu ray movies

500gb of documentaries and tv shows!!

i have tried downloading international terrorism since 1945--but i cn't find it on torrentz and they always show the taliban and the 9/11 on history channel--which is lame.
Su-27 Flanker the Sukhoi Story

"Discovery Channel - Wings Of The Red Star" series.

btw, does any one has "top gun over moscow"? it used to be on you tube but now its gone.
Food Planet full series

Antony Bourdain full series

That other discovery food series whose name i forgot full series

Food Paradise full series .
BBC-The planets.
BBC-Space odyssey Journey to the planets.
Stephen Hawking and theory of everything.(total mind F@@K once u see this).
The mini series called From the Earth to the Moon.
Behind closed doors World warII.