Recent content by Arbiter_ck

  1. Arbiter_ck

    [Thermaltake] 2018 CaseMOD Invitational Season 1 [India] Dota 2 Gyrocopter Mod

    I hope you like it. Visit Havok Nation Facebook page or for upcoming mods :) Thanks
  2. Arbiter_ck

    [Thermaltake] 2018 CaseMOD Invitational Season 1 [India] Dota 2 Gyrocopter Mod

    Final images of Gyrocopter Mod. Special Thanks to my sponsors Thermaltake, GSkill, Asus, AMD and Plextor.
  3. Arbiter_ck

    [Thermaltake] 2018 CaseMOD Invitational Season 1 [India] Dota 2 Gyrocopter Mod

    Pramod Natha Hambir is my real name, but many people know me as “PROMOD” because of my modding activity. I’m also a co-founder of Havok Nation, Pune and we are specialize in High End Custom Gaming Rigs. Gaming and Modding is not just my hobby, it’s my passion. I'm freestyle modder and High End...
  4. Arbiter_ck

    FS: Processor i7 3770k [Price Dropped for Urgent sale]

    Never overclocked this processor. Base Frequency of Processor is 3.5 GHz Max Turbo Frequency of Processor is 3.9 GHz TDP: 77 W
  5. Arbiter_ck

    FS: Processor i7 3770k [Price Dropped for Urgent sale]

    Motherboard has been sold to @RayPeter . Complete payment received, deal went smoothly. Feedback done.
  6. Arbiter_ck

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    @akskap nop. Let me know your email Id. I'll share it with you.
  7. Arbiter_ck

    Android India Specific OnePlus Invites - Share &/or Queue Up Here

    I have 2 One plus Invite. Please let me know if anyone need it. [20 Hours Left]
  8. Arbiter_ck

    FS: Monitor and LCD Benq 24 inch Full HD Monitor G2412HD

    I already have same model monitor and thinking to buy your monitor only for dual screen. It's like a dead investment for me so I need to rethink about it. Also as per the @malhotraraul , If I said "Please" then can you reduce the price :P