Recent content by jojorabbit

  1. J

    The Raspberry Pi Thread

    yes, tailscale is a godsend when you are running some kind of server on raspberry pi sitting on home. Personally i have a jellyfin based media server running on docker on rasp pi 4, and it works like a charm, even shared it with 2 of my friends in different location, and it just works...
  2. J

    DON'T Spam TE; Market is a Closed section

    did the requirement of being a disciple changed or what ? I become disciple after i got karma, but then i got reverted back to adept after 2-3 days , with less score , and now my new comments are also not adding to any score . Also I posted one wts post after becoming disciple , but it also...
  3. J

    Flipkart deals

    yea, only thing that are still philips original products are their grooming products, everything else is sold in term of liscensing , where companies just stamp philips logo on thier oem products
  4. J

    40K+ Is it worth spending money above 40k on any android?

    that entirely depend on your usecase and financial mindset and situation. If you are someone whose life depend on a phone , be a photographer or content creator, then absolutely yea, you should splurge on it . but if 40k is a big money for you, and all you do on a phone is browser , camera ...
  5. J

    25-30k Recommend android phone under 30k, thanks

    just fyi, pixel modem issues are driving me mad with jio network, because of volte only voice calls. many times i just get missed calls, no bell at all
  6. J

    71-90K Need a laptop for college.

    just fyi, for vivobook , there are 2 models, one of them have much bigger battery than the other, so do chose correctly and its 180 degree flexible
  7. J

    71-90K Need a laptop for college.

    either you can go for a macbook air (m1/m2) or you can go for dgpu less / intel iris XE laptops. so your options would be macbook air m1/m2 Asus vivobook Oled ( 16gb , 120hz model ) ideapad slim 3
  8. J

    Laptops USB C Multi-Purpose Docker for MacBook M2

    not many good docks are available here in india, those available are pricey as well if import is an option, you can opt for something like this since many people have gotten and selling steam deck here, good chance that you can...
  9. J

    71-90K Laptop needed for work and travel

    thanks, guess I will go for 13th gen, just for better resellability. And yes, only issue is the ram being soldered here, failure of any such component just kills the device if not under warranty also this is the P model, right ? one with a less powerful processor and touchpad numpad ? what...
  10. J

    71-90K Laptop needed for work and travel

    Im thinking of getting the 13th gen for around 75k. As 13th gen is supposedly more efficient. Is 12th gen still worthy enough to take it over current gen and save some money ?
  11. J

    71-90K Laptop needed for work and travel

    So I'm looking for a new laptop as powercuts have made it unbearable to work on pc instead, and i figured i would need a portable device as well eventually. Its only intended for casual usage, media consumption and work ( coding and browsing ) . max budget is 80k, maybe can strech it slightly if...
  12. J

    Android Pixel 7 network issues

    google asked for more control over qualcomm chips just like tensor chip , but they rejected google's request, so they are limited to using samsung's inferior chips only. Also samsung being the face of the android industry, they just dont want any fallouts with samsung.
  13. J

    31-40k Help me decide between 4K and 144Hz monitors

    Yes, any refeesh rate above 120/144 is kinda useless if you are not into competitive gaming, still 4k monitors arent still at affordable prices in market , so do proper research before pulling the plug. also i would suggest to go to a store/friend's place and try 27 inch 1440p monitor to see if...
  14. J

    25-30k Recommend android phone under 30k, thanks

    ^ S21 FE has my vote as well, if you dont mind the samsung software
  15. J

    25-30k Recommend android phone under 30k, thanks

    please dont go for pixel if you are going to do gaming on the phone, especially with 5g , modem isnt good enough , lots of problem with battery and volte network issues with jio