Recent content by Maverick_g

  1. M

    31-40k Best possible configuration around 35k

    I already bought the stated configuration. I kept in mind that I won't be able to OC. If I feel the CPU is not up to the mark after a year or so, then I will upgrade. At present I have to stay in budget, but in future I want a dual monitor setup or if possible will go for triple monitor gaming...
  2. M

    31-40k Best possible configuration around 35k

    Sorry for the late reply. It was my first post here that too from my phone, so I was not able to explain properly. I just needed the CPU excluding hard disk (i have a monitor, keyboard, mouse) I extended my budget to 47k. I got this: 1)Corsair 650W PSU 2)Asus P8 Z77-M PRO Motherboard 3)Intel i5...
  3. M

    31-40k Best possible configuration around 35k

    Thank you for your recommendations.. :-)
  4. M

    31-40k Best possible configuration around 35k

    Thank you.. I'm on phone, if there is any mistakes or I missed something then please bear with me. Questions 1. Q: What is your budget? a. Around 35 - 40k 2. Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model) a. Nothing b. Monitor - Samsung 22" LCD...
  5. M

    31-40k Best possible configuration around 35k

    Please suggest me a CPU configuration without Hard Disk, monitor, keyboard and mouse around 35k. Yes I will play games. Thank you.