Recent content by sahib

  1. S

    How would you have shaped your career differently?

    I regret not dropping a year for IIT JEE preparations. I was swindled by a lot of home tutors back then in 2005-2006. I was an introvert and seldom spoke to people. Hence got no guidance and was cheated by a couple of tutors. More than the money, it spoilt my 12th as well as btech dream. It was...
  2. S

    Laptops Broken Asus k53sv Screen

    Hi, I need a replacement for my asus k53sv-3D as the screen got shattered last weekend after a late night party. I am from delhi and would like to know, where can i get the screen replaced and how much will it cost?
  3. S

    FS: Mobile iPhone 5s 16GB Gold Factory Unlocked

    am ok with that. So when can you do this?
  4. S

    FS: Mobile iPhone 5s 16GB Gold Factory Unlocked

    Am taking one of this. Is it possible for a hand to hand deal in delhi-gurgaon or noida?
  5. S

    [GO] HMT Pilot - Mechanical watch with White dial and Blue hands

    I am interested in one...Can you PM me your bank details? am from gurgaon
  6. S

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    Got the Pebble watch delivered :D
  7. S

    Pebble Smart Watch

    This looks soo cool.!! Is it possible for people to buy this in India?
  8. S

    Need help regarding career and Higher studies..

    Couldnt have agreed more with stalker! If you are motivated to go to US then nothing should bother you, but it shouldnt be a ' follow the herd' approach. I've seen people go for Masters with a will to earn a better life and they have succeeded albeit they had to put in tremendous efforts. Also...
  9. S

    Need help regarding career and Higher studies..

    ^^ You arent late at all! Which stream you plan to pursue your masters? Considering you have extensive work ex in SAP, are you thinking of MS in Information Systems or a regular CS graduation? Also please dont follow the herd! What motivation you have to pursue higher studies is what matters...
  10. S

    Car & Bike Chevy Cruze 2nd Hand - Pick or kick

    Get it evaluated through a dealer.You have first choice,carnamtion etc. What value they quote,you can pay that amount. Maybe 10k over that but Nothing over that
  11. S

    IT Employees - How Tough Is Your Job?

    I guess IT or NON-IT(Marketing,finance etc etc) all are in similar situations. It all depends on the culture you fit in. Also with my experience i've learnt that very few people do what they actually wanted to do, because 90% people never know what they actually wanna do :P. So just chill and...
  12. S

    FS: Mobile Google Nexus4 16GB Brand New for Sale

    ^^ check out the 'nexus 4 thread' in 'Hot deals and Discussion section'. It wont cost more than 24k importing. Some one might pay the premium to save the hassle it involves in ordering from Play Store. but 32k is indeed too high.
  13. S

    Google LG Nexus 4 Pre Order, 8GB - Rs.21728/- & 16GB - Rs.25490/-

    Umm how to purchase from play store? New to this thread... :unsure:
  14. S

    Full Time MBA at 30 - Does it make sense?

    Had your query been regarding an MBA from US or other foreign university,the answer would've been a "definite go for it"! Almost all US and European Universities have an average age of 28-29. But Indian universities,it seems dicey but not impossible. I think if you get good CAT or other exam...
  15. S

    The "Everyday" show-off thread !

    1.43L On Road Gurgaon.