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  1. blr_p

    Israel Hezbollah Pager Attack.

    Pentagin has to convince congress. eg. INDO PACOM commander wants $27 bn to upgrade defenses of American bases as well as joint training with US allies in the region. Its called PDI. He's been asking now for over five years. Ever so often he will say scary things things to MSM to wake Congress...
  2. blr_p

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    Who's stopping you That won't happen in a tech discussion when a seperate sand box already exists for politic. If it does then either create a seperate thread in politics with the political posts which already happens I don't but the responses or hate shown to parties and leaders exposes it...
  3. blr_p

    Israel Hezbollah Pager Attack.

    Because point of these articles is to persuade congress to allocate more budget. So let out some scare stories and a senior officer to plug them UNLESS something is done about it. China hasn't been able to figure out how to make decent engines which is a testament to the challenge no matter...
  4. blr_p

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    Not ad hominem. Pigeon holing. I know what your views are and if opposing won't bother. If I did that then I had nothing more to add. Or if a divergence of views arises. Your post went unchallenged is how I would see it That's not realistic. And not desired as positions have to be watered...
  5. blr_p

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    Or there are sections here where you can do the same if you are knowledgeable Of course and in the right sections Wrong topic to be asking this question. Sure What I've noticed in other places is when a tech topic with political implications came up. It would devolve into pitched battles and...
  6. blr_p

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    And that is what these discussions will reveal. How smart. How mature. How trustworthy. Not so easy as discussing tech is it. And that is why techies need to get better at it. This has been my rationale to alow them going back to 2010 Taking part in these discussions is like being on some...
  7. blr_p

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    I have a defense for that too. I'm a hate speech defender. So I don't get to complain when people abuse me. Here's the thing you ain't winning shit unless you can argue your point or counter mine. Flattery & flirting gets you no where :p
  8. blr_p

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    Not with me and there's a simple reason and solution. Compartmentalise. Or more clearly. What's said in a thread STAYS THERE. Don't carry animosity in one place anywhere else. I have no problem interacting with people in other areas whereas i could be daggers drawn with them on a political...
  9. blr_p

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    Not in this thread at least. Some people don't seem to have got that memo
  10. blr_p

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    I've participated in political discussions on this board since 2008. I know because I'm active in them. Whereas you don't participate. How come these developments you described never happened here? So you have nicely described such an alarmist scenario that is non applicable We get the odd...
  11. blr_p

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    If they ignore sections why should it turn them off. And I don't understand how they get turned off in the first place because the people supposedly against never contribute. They just don't want to see something that they don't like. Then don't see it. What these people are trying to do who...
  12. blr_p

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

  13. blr_p

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    The poll does not make sense. Every where besides general talk is apolitical. It should say political not apolitical And I'd rather you allow for sections to be ignored so we can end this discussion
  14. blr_p

    Petition to keep the forum apolitical

    I voted for allowing them but pressed the wrong one so keep note Things are going fine and it shouldn't be those that contributed nothing that get to dictate what happens. Why does this happen so often? Don't like it, ignore it. Nobody is forcing you to read anything.
  15. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    Can you give some sources for your explanation? Because my understanding of Paretos principle begins and ends at the 80/20 rule. That what is done by 20% affects 80%
  16. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    Quick what does the P in UPA stand for? What ruling party says is official. What opposition says is not. Why listen to then. And this does not stop opposition from saying whatever when they are unaccountable. I ignore them and encourage others to stick to what the party is saying and more...
  17. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    It's a protest vote. They vote as a block as a show of strength to take them seriously the next time. It's a win for the Israelis. This happens often in France where people will vote for the extreme right just to punish the party they normally support. What they're asking for isn't feasible...
  18. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    Answered you already here It was worse in the past This government has learnt its lessons well from their previous experiences. Desperate because they can't win and when they do they can't hold on before a no confidence vote takes them out. In the end its the people who decide. Political...
  19. blr_p

    Have r/India always been like this?

    How well is it working in Israel? Opposition there is only interested in toppling the government and pushes for policies that will make Israel lose the war. Then blame government for losing, get the media to amplify the message and if not Likud then Bibi will be gone at the next elections.