Because point of these articles is to persuade congress to allocate more budget. So let out some scare stories and a senior officer to plug them UNLESS something is done about it.
China hasn't been able to figure out how to make decent engines which is a testament to the challenge no matter their spying efforts
Chinese engines have to be overhauled around 2,000 hours of use compared to 8,000 hours for western engines.
Unless a credible demonstration is made they are not counted because that's the purpose of deterrence. You want the opponent to believe in tour awesome power. On paper doesn't do that.
And they know just how unreliable. The tank engines overheat. The destroyers gifted never leave the harbour. Day after Balakote the Paks responded with F16s and not J-17 which was designed to be a lower cost F16.
If you are referring to Tejas then that's by GE.
Look even Pentagon is taking big note of this.
How reliable they are is again a big question mark too?
Yet you cannot fool the world that easily also.
If it was just a paper technology ...don't think USA and Europe would be so bothered by Chinese growing defence Power.
As for Pakistan ..what you said is correct yes they are not happy with everything they getting from China.
But yet they are continuing ordering it.
What is their game plan?.
I don't think china is giving them for free either.
And start relying on USA?The idea is to transition away from Russian equipment.
They even worse partner to have.
Ofcourse we don't have much choice but none of the above options are helping us.
Even USA GE is delaying the engine supply.
India was even considering putting a fine on them.
But maybe USA pressure got them to think otherwise.