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    Auto Door Lock - Immediate Help Needed !!

    @trigger ... lol happens many times, especially with doors which are slightly tilted and which tend to sway themselves shut, even a mild breeze locks them up. I have made a habit of turning the small lever to "lock-up" everytime I open the door if I have to talk with someone on the stairs...
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    Auto Door Lock - Immediate Help Needed !!

    You can also try this type of lock. On the outside there is no lever as such only the key needs to be inserted and rotated and the door pushed to open. For locking the door, the door needs to be shut either from the inside or outside. Combine it with a hydraulic thing to auto push the door...
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    BSNL 3G Thread

    Same thing used to happen with mine too, but now after connecting it stays at wcdma and the sites are too slow in loading, the max speed it reaches in that graph is 500kbps, earlier it used to go upto 2mbps.
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    BSNL 3G Thread

    Since the past 2 days, my mobile partner is showing "WCDMA BSNL 3G" instead of "HSPA" and the speeds absolutely suck. Anyone facing similar problem ?
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    Why do different router/modem give different speeds ?

    Actually I wanted to know what speeds do airtel or anyother bb users get while using this beetel 450TC1 adsl2+ router (wifi) . @pratikb ... a friend has dlink router, let me try it out too.
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    Why do different router/modem give different speeds ?

    Here are 2 screens ... the router is the beetel one. Edit: The beetel router is the one which airtel provides to its subscribers. Now I am wondering how come airtel people are getting good speeds on it and whats the problem at my end. The modem adsl stats page shows a downlink speed of...
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    Why do different router/modem give different speeds ?

    @nish_pinto ... No firewall. I dont use any firewall nor any AV.Just practice safe browsing :) @bobbyprajan ... Yes port forwarding done in all the routers.Http transfers takes place at 200KB/s using a download manager.
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    Why do different router/modem give different speeds ?

    hey, I have three modem-routers, dareglobal db108, utstarcom, and beetel adsl 450tc1. Well one is my friends. I have tried all three of them on my phone line which is bsnl broadband. On the utstarcom, I get speeds of 210-220KB/s on torrents and around 230KB/s on http transfers.On private...
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    Logitech X -540 bass dial stuck ...

    Hey Gannu, Yes indeed mine is placed in a corner but the port is facing the open space and not the wall.Let me try the things you mentioned. :)
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    Logitech X -540 bass dial stuck ...

    Hi, The bass controller dial on my logitech x540 is rotating allright but it does not give any adjustment to the bass level, like its gone dead. Any remedies to correct it ? And one more, I was wondering if the bass (boomy) level of the woofer could be somehow reduced as I want a tighter kick...
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    BSNL 3G Thread

    ^ Try *112#
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    Unknown download by utorrent!

    No it shouldnt. Its not something which is downloaded as such to your harddrive(more like downloaded to your ram). Its just amount of data coming to your pc from other peers (kinda like hi,hello I am looking for this piece of this torrent, do you have it ?) which is discarded by the application...
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    Unknown download by utorrent!

    Usually what happens is even if you stop the torrents, the peers keep on connecting to you as your ip is still active in their database.This minimal amount will count towards your download rate.It will be in 1-2KB/s . If you want to completely stop it, then disconnect your net and connect back...
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    Looking for the name of this old cartoon ...

    ^ Thanks a lot.I think thats the one.Found the stash of merrie melodies. :D
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    Looking for the name of this old cartoon ...

    I dont remember watching this one in particular.... but its on the same lines. YouTube - Aviation Vacation (1941)
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    Looking for the name of this old cartoon ...

    No not captain planet.This cartoon which I am talking about is like from the 40's something. Its a parody of sorts on life itself. Each episode is a standalone piece. I used to wait for this only, I didnt like the bugs and daffy stuff. @neha... I never got see it again. Now that there are...
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    Looking for the name of this old cartoon ...

    ^ Yeah I know it is very vague but I cant even remember anything more from it. There used to be time slot for cartoons,like popeye used to run for 30 mins which had 3 short episodes. During the looney tunes show which had bugs and daffy there was a third cartoon (a single episode) placed in...
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    Looking for the name of this old cartoon ...

    Guys, Long time back around '96-'97 on cartoon network there used to be bugs bunny and daffy duck cartoons.Those old ones real old ones. In between those episodes there used to be a series of cartoons, which were standalone cartoons, they didnt have any daffy or bugs bunny in them but rather...
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    CPU/Mobo DDR3 Mobo for my Q6600 ?

    GIGABYTE - Motherboard - Socket 775 - GA-G41M-Combo (rev. 1.3) Also the cpu support list checks out fine.
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    CPU/Mobo DDR3 Mobo for my Q6600 ?

    I think gigabyte g41 should do it. It has ddr2 as well as ddr3 support.