Search results

  1. AsidXxx

    Playstation Plus - Discussion Thread

    Offtopic @quixand Who's the chick in the DP?
  2. AsidXxx : Nokia Lumia 920 32GB - Black

    There was a deal recently on Amazon US for these phones, unlocked for $380 odd. Seems iBhejo got some from that.
  3. AsidXxx

    WTB Netbook Needed under Rs.8000 - Mumbai

    I have an HCL netbook. PMed you.
  4. AsidXxx

    Opening a game parlor - some inputs required!

    2/3 XBox 360s, a couple of months old but within warranty would be for 10k-12k odd each. Add to that LCD screens for 10k odd each, and cables, and hi-speed Internet connection. But for online play you have to shell out 2.5k per XBox per year. As for games, you can pick up multiple copies of...
  5. AsidXxx

    Need some help regarding projector setup (civil work):(

    Once all of this is done, *please* post pics.
  6. AsidXxx

    Is your internet working fine today ?

    I *think* I felt the same too in Mumbai, but was sure that would create a silly thread for the same and hence didnt bother.Off topic : Is it possible for someone with the highest post count/thread started count to take over the forum one fine day?
  7. AsidXxx

    Android Google Nexus 4 - Discussion Thread

    I guess you can still have it checked at the local LG service center.
  8. AsidXxx

    How do you get rid of your body hair guys?

    @Switch What were your search terms? :D @OP Women tend to find a bit of body hair more masculine than no hair at all. If you are looking to impress them, why bother?
  9. AsidXxx

    WTB Laptop Under 15k

    What about a netbook?
  10. AsidXxx

    Android Google Nexus 4 - Discussion Thread

    ^ If its bought in India, get it replaced?
  11. AsidXxx

    Playstation Plus - Discussion Thread

    Regret missing out on Deus Ex :(
  12. AsidXxx

    Android Must have APPS for Android

    Chrome is very snappy!
  13. AsidXxx

    English TV series discussion

    Watch THE SHIELD!
  14. AsidXxx

    Tanishq jeweller good ?

    Abeyaar 75k mein kitna gram hai woh batayega bhi? Not once have you mentioned that. This is like I asked the price of a premium sedan, but dont want to pay that much because I know I can get a hatchback for much cheaper. How old are you again?
  15. AsidXxx

    51-70k Need advice on buying an Ultrabook for personal use with good display.

    I dont think an UltraBook will have a 15" screen.
  16. AsidXxx

    Playstation Plus - Discussion Thread

    I couldn't get a hang of Catherine AT ALL :(
  17. AsidXxx

    Any jacuzzi-bathroom user help!!!!!

    Okay no offence to the OP, but is there *any* way I can filter out all of the threads started by the OP in my search results?
  18. AsidXxx

    What happened to my head, any doctor online? EDIT: Solved!

    I have this feeling of having been trolled by the OP.