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  1. Channu

    Any Netflix Account sharing groups on TE ?

    Tried tinkering with my subscription but didn't see any option yet :neutral:
  2. Channu

    Any Netflix Account sharing groups on TE ?

    So Netflix seems to have introduced annual subscription at 50% discount in India according to some news report. Anyone came across this ?
  3. Channu

    Coolwinks glasses and frames

    Just got a prescription lens sunglasses for approx Rs 670. Paid 2670 & there's a promised Rs 2000 back to the payment mode after 14 days of delivery (once the return window is over) Pathetic quality of frame, so bad that I've already placed a return request. Unbelievable, I guess they are not...
  4. Channu

    very high dose of Bhaang

    Guess you mean 'Rasila' :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy: Didn't try that but have heard the few smooth AF stories of people going limbless in their imagination. For me these were 10 years back 2008 and around. One friend from NE tried it for the first time, stood up, turned towards light bulb, got in...
  5. Channu

    very high dose of Bhaang

    BHOLAAAAA Hahaahha.... Used to cost a rupee for 1 candy. Not used to any psychotropics, with just an expenditure of Rs 2 probably a day used to vanish off my calendar, not to mention the hysterical laughter and fun. Never had a BT but gave up on it, just didn't feel right :sweatsmile:
  6. Channu

    Hindi Series Discuss (neflix, amazon prime, youtube, etc.)

    Endured through episode 1 and it was so full of Mr. Kemu's shit. I was done with the crapfest in just 1 episode
  7. Channu

    New cable TV Tariffs to put a hole in your pocket!

    D2H earlier called Videocon D2h. The channels resumed last evening but only after I spent Rs 199 on Hotstar membership to watch the match on TV with my family.
  8. Channu

    New cable TV Tariffs to put a hole in your pocket!

    Guys, want to share what D2H rascals did just now. No channel except DD free ones are on my STB. My mails regarding login issue not been sorted since 22nd Jan despite 10s of mails being exchanged and even more calls. I've been left without a channel to watch & when I call their CC line, 'This...
  9. Channu

    New cable TV Tariffs to put a hole in your pocket!

    There was a fraudiya pack available on D2H which I signed on in early January where they charge something about Rs 8 for SD channel & Rs 12 for HD channels (paid or free doesn't matters only Doordarshan ones are bundled FoC). I made my bouquet of approx 35 channels which we people watch and...
  10. Channu

    New cable TV Tariffs to put a hole in your pocket!

    Videocon is such a pita. If there are some good offers I may just throw their ugly box or crush it to pieces but sadly that will cost me 2.5K probably for a new Tatasky. It's there only for parents or else I don't even need this kind of retardation in my life.
  11. Channu

    New cable TV Tariffs to put a hole in your pocket!

    D2H has been a complete mess since I changed my registered number, the OTP is never sent on registered number. On getting it changed by CC guys , i start to receive OTP on new number but it won't register with the login as valid. In this mess since 20th Jan and not addressed till now. Buggers...
  12. Channu

    Poll: Porting to Jio

    No, not yet. FInally put my Dad's BSNL to port off to Jio. Visited Reliance express store, as usual paid nothing for porting and no FRC asked either. Their new KYC is cumbersome, they didn't agree to do it on my passport. Voter id worked, clicked a photo of mine from their phone and done...
  13. Channu

    Poll: Porting to Jio

    I went to local shop for porting my dad's sim to Jio. Carried my passport but they were only comfortable with Aadhar, asked me to print colour copy of aadhar which I refused. Will go to Reliance digital tomorrow and get it done on passport. I'm ready to get it done on Aadhar too but why a bloody...
  14. Channu

    860 Evo prices slashed at Amazon

    My bad. In the quoted post I've forgot to mention that there were 2 more items in the package, a 970 Pro 512 & Fire stick 4K. Total was 12K which is okay@ approx 41% with slight undervaluing of the actual cost. And as mentioned, no point denying it. I've been lucky at other instances, not this...
  15. Channu

    860 Evo prices slashed at Amazon

    Yes, a friend does it there. Receives and ships. 8K for 512, Wow !! 970 M2 is what I got, wasn't available in India then. Seem to have lost quite a sum on 256GB variant but 970Pro prices still unreasonable in India. Even after that 41% custom, it was a good purchase.
  16. Channu

    BSNL Injecting Advertisements in browsers

    Not just these redirects, they also started redirecting me to 'malware removal' pages claiming my chrome had some 16xxx exploits ready to be used by hackers :banghead::banghead: Complete WTF by BSNL. Only https were spared. Thankfully soon after Jio happened and I let that sickly wired...
  17. Channu

    DU Meter Family Pack @19.90 for 5 users

    It doesn't actually sniffs but lists all the apps when requested with their live bandwidth usage. I use it to keep an eye on processes eating up my bandwidth or hurting my latency while I'm playing DoTA 2 etc. Since I use internet almost always on a 4g network so ping is precious, use the...
  18. Channu

    DU Meter Family Pack @19.90 for 5 users

    I tried a few free alternative but there were some or the other features amiss hence fell back to DU. It doesn't do anything by itself, just provides you with all the network stats of your NIC and lists all the programs currently using bandwidth etc. You can get a trial version and check it out.
  19. Channu

    DU Meter Family Pack @19.90 for 5 users

    Errrmm... It doesnt :dead: I use it on my laptop. That's it, monitoring the programs and a traffic usage window that it provides.
  20. Channu

    DU Meter Family Pack @19.90 for 5 users

    Hey all, I've used DU meter for quite some time and quite love it. It's a net monitoring/metering software and has been very useful for me since i always like to keep an eye on things hogging my bandwidth (Being brought up in scarce bandwidth scenario does this to you :-/ ) I'm willing to get a...