Search results

  1. Shubham1401

    CyberPunk 2077

    What is so heavy about this game that it breaks on console? I mean, we have pretty awesome looking games on base PS4 and XBOX (say Red Dead Redemption 2) and they have good performance. Why can't CDPR provide lag free gameplay for Cyberpunk? They have been at it for 7 years...
  2. Shubham1401

    Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

    A question for my fellow gamers.. I have never played a Yakuza game. Where should I start? I have a PS4 and would not like to play anything that looks too dated.
  3. Shubham1401

    A noob's guide on buying consoles!

    In my opinion (could be wrong as well), it should be somewhere close to 10-13k for a well maintained unit (I've seen 2 getting sold for this price). While it is a very old system but you need to keep supply vs demand in mind as well. The few pieces which come up are sold very quickly.
  4. Shubham1401

    CyberPunk 2077

    Most of such purchases are not driven by logic. He'll be able to justify it some way or another like he'll do his work on it or he also needs it for other purposes. PS: I am happy for this purchase. I am definitely a gamer :joyful:
  5. Shubham1401

    CyberPunk 2077

    Whatta hype for this game! My flat mate is buying a gaming PC just to play this one. He's not even a gamer :D
  6. Shubham1401

    Mic for recording songs on mobile phone

    Dolby ON is a great software. I see a great improvement in ambient noise reduction and overall sound quality when I used this to record some of my Ukulele sessions. @OP: this is a good option to try till the time you can decide on the mic.
  7. Shubham1401

    Apple introduces over-ear AirPods Max for Rs 59,900

    Apple sells an ecosystem and these belong right in there. Anyone complaining about the price needs to realize that these products simply are not targeted towards them and should simply move on to buying whatever they think is right.
  8. Shubham1401

    Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!

    Finished Shadow of Tomb Raider on PS4. I'd rate it 7.5/10. Great graphics on PS4. Finally the story which started many years ago with Tomb Raider reboot comes to an end. Its an evolutionary game and not a revolutionary one. The same exploring, combat dynamics and everything.
  9. Shubham1401

    All OS What Tablet you use and for what all purposes?

    Galaxy A7 tab with Belkin Bluetooth Keyboard: This was a great purchase. Since I do not have a second monitor at home, the tab is being used for the same purpose. It's mainly used to monitor some stock charts during the day and putting in orders which frees up the laptop for office work. I also...
  10. Shubham1401

    True Wireless (TWS) Earphones / Earbuds - What is your opinion about them?

    TWS have some very specific use cases where the excel in my opinion. If you are commuting via public transport then having no wires is a great boon. They are amazing for working out as well. Other than that there are better form factors. For example, if you want something for home usage with...
  11. Shubham1401

    What's sucess in life? Are you an underachiever like me?

    Money should not be the only yardstick to measure success. We exchange time for money but in the grand scheme of things even infinite amount of money cannot buy you even a second of time. So while, we should go for it but it should not be the only endeavor in life and we should try to balance...
  12. Shubham1401

    Why no thread for Diego yet!?

    I have seen Messi, Ronaldo and other world class stars of the current generation play and have massive admiration for them. I have never seen Maradona or Pele play on TV in any live games. Therefore, I do not know what the fuss is about. You know why that Argentinian has refused to take off...
  13. Shubham1401

    Android Are tablets getting phased out in favour of phones?

    Tablets are good-to-have devices but not must haves. If you have a well defined use case then it will be great for you. I have removed my habit of meaninglessly scrolling on phone by switching to a tab. Earlier I was always on Instagram, Reddit or any other such apps. I was wasting 3-4 hours...
  14. Shubham1401

    71-90K 13 inch Laptop with good battery backup

    Best features of the apple hardware on new silicon is the amazing 15 hour battery life and instant wake feature. Just these two things would completely redefine the laptop experience for me. I am tired of lugging the charger everywhere (couch to desk to bed these days). Although do keep in mind...
  15. Shubham1401

    Playstation 5 & Xbox Series X

    ^True. I'd rather wait for some time for them to iron out all the issues with the new hardware. Early adopters are used like beta-testers.
  16. Shubham1401

    Your most and least favourite tech Youtubers

    Most Favs: Digital Foundry, Linus Tech Tips, Techquickie, Dave Lee. Least Favs: All Indian Youtubers as they do not have much informational and whatever they say I can gather from reading product specs as well. There's no insight that they provide with their so-called expertise.
  17. Shubham1401

    What a bad time to be a Gamer ?

    Its never a bad time to be a gamer :p Maybe its just time to lay low and finish your backlog on your existing hardware before moving onto the future. These are complex times for gaming industry. It is going through a shift right now with new consoles and great pc gaming hardware getting...
  18. Shubham1401

    What crackers ban?

    My area in Bangalore did better this year (comparatively). We lit those hot air lanterns and I see this as an option next time around as well.
  19. Shubham1401

    Do you ever buy something extra just in case first one breaks in future and you have backup?

    Sennheiser PX 80 on ear headphones. The first ones worked for 6 years. The comfort was unparalleled. Tried buying one now but its an EOL model. I would have even paid 3x the price happily. :( Decathlon 100₹ black T-shirts: need to buy 10 pair of these :D
  20. Shubham1401

    Gaming and sleep

    My sleep has never been affected by a game that I am playing but I do see very vivid dreams with amazing environments. I guess my brain picks a lot of those from the games I play :P